chapter 6 - materials Flashcards
tensile force
produces an extension
compressive force
reduces the length of an object
hookes law
force is proportional to extension so long as elastic limit isn’t exceeded
F = kx
- its device specific - changes for every spring
spring constant k
k = F/x
gradient of an F x graph
stiffer spring = greater k
elastic deformation
before elastic limit - object will return to original shape when load is removed
plastic deformation
after elastic limit
permenant change in shape that remains when load is removed
area under force extension graph
work done in stretching the object
elastic material
will return to origional shape
tensile stress
force applied per unit cross sectional area
F/A (Pa)
tensile strain
fractional change in length of object
Youngs modulus
stress/ strain = FL/Ax
stiffness - higher YM means it is more stiff
gradient of stress strain graph
ductile material
can be drawn into wire or hammered into thin sheets
- behave elastically until elastic limit after it stretches more and has plastic behaviour
- a straight graph that then curves
brittle material
snaps easily
- stretches slightly then fractures
- elastic behaviour up until point of fracture
- behaves same both ways (unloading and loading)
- straight graph
limit of proportionality of a material
point at which a material stops obeying hooks law
ultimate tensile strength of materials
maximum stress a material withstands before breaking
- end of a stress strain graphs
measure to what dp
the dp you can measure to
- has to be the same for even your average
- can’t have a value more accurate than your measuring devices
breaking strength of a material
stress at the point of fracture
what is a strong material
one with a high ultimate tensile strength
when does Young modulus apply to a material
when stress is proportional to strain OR when its obeying hooks law
how do you find young modulus from a stress-strain graph
gradient of the initial straight line region
polymeric materiaal
material made from long chain molecules
behaviour depends on temp as well as molecular structure
elastic limit
beyond which the material becomes permanently deformed
- won’t return to normal when load removed
young modulus experiment
- measure diameter
- calculate CSA
- find original length
- increase load
- record mass, and find extension
- plot graph (stress/strain)
- calculate gradient = YM
elastic behaviour
returns to original length when load is removed
- all materials show it till the elastic limit