chapter 10 - electrical circuits Flashcards
mr duddles circuit top tips
- write everything on the diagram
- apply V= IR
- for series - current is same- emf splits (largest R gets most) - overall R ^ (Rt = R1 + R2)
- for parallel- current splits - voltage is the same - overall R decreases (1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2)
- dudds law - Rt = Vt/ It
internal resistance
the resistance of the battery due to the materials its made from and causes energy to be wasted in the form of heat (results in lost V)
3 circuits - ammeter lamp battery voltmeter
1 - wire not connected
2 - all connected properly
3 -another wire connected across the lamp
1 - if no current flows voltmeter shows emf of battery
2 - when current flows you lose some of the emf to the internal resistance of the battery
3 - if a component is short circuited high I flows through the low R wire not the component so we lose more emf when high I flows
in series emf = (in terms of internal resistance)
emf = output voltage (terminal pd) + lost volts
E = V + Ir
experiment to measure r
- set up circuit with battery voltmeter ammeter and variable resistor
- plot I and V(out)
- y intercept = emf
- gradient = r
V = Ir + E
y = mx + c
internal resistance of a car battery
I = E/ (R+r)
starter motor has low R
E is about 15V
starter motor requires a large I
r needs to be low to supply the high I
internal resistance of a school power pack
I = E/ (R+r)
E is up to 12V
r I large (+circuit breaker) to prevent dangerously high I
eg is some idiot connects a low R wire causing it to short circuit
max P out
max P out from a cell is when the load R (R of a component) = internal resistance
R = r
E in series and parallel
- total E = E1 + E2…
- if connected backwards subtract emf
- total E = E
r in series and parallel
- total r = r1 + r2…
- total r = r/2 (if 2 identical)
- 1/rt = 1/r1 + 1/r2…
proportion of useful energy/ power out from the total energy/power in
efficiency equations
%efficiency = useful Eout/ total Ein *100
% efficiency = useful Pout/ total Pin *100
useful Pout =
Pin - Pwasted
cells get hot due to
power losses in r
battery charger
- when a battery goes flat emf reduces over time
- when you connect a charger with a higher emf to the batter - this forces current into the battery to charge is
potential dividers
- change the output voltage
- if you have a fixed power supply eg a battery not every component wants that voltage
3 ways to calculate V out
1 - find I = Vt/R1+R2
- then Vout = IR2
2 - use ratios
- R1/R2 = V1/V2
3 - use potential dividers eq
- Vout = Vt ( R2/(R1 +R2))
- assumes voltmeter has infinite resistance
why is Vout reduced in potential dividers
- parallel combinations of the resistor and voltmeter has less R
- supply V splits in the same ratio as the R
- ∴ the parallel combination gets a smaller share of the 12V
- varies voltage
+ vary output V from a fixed supply (eg battery) from 0 - maxV
(see diagrams)
- can be connected as a variable resistor - good if a large I needs to be varied
- or can be connected as a potentiometer to vary V is currents are very small
sensor circuits
- can use an LDR or thermistor in the potential divider
- to supply a particular value of V to heating/air con/ lighting
- in response to environmental change
(we use the potential divider to control another circuit)
why a sensor circuit can turn on heating when temp gets too low
- the R of thermistor increases when cold
- since supply V splits in the same ratio as R the thermistor gets a bigger share
- enough to turn on heating