Chapter 6 Learning Theories Flashcards
any event that increases the likelihood that a response or behaviour will occur again
any identifiable behaviour, external or internal, that is elicited by a stimulus; reaction behaviour
any object or event that elicits a response; trigger
an event that comes before a response
an event that comes after a response; the effect of the response
classical conditioning
is a form of learning based on the repeated association of two normally unrelated stimuli.
neutral stimulus (NS)
a stimulus that does not natural elicit any specific response
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
a specific stimulus that is innately capable of eliciting a reflex response
unconditioned response (UCR)
the natural, automatic response to a specific unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus (CS)
a stimulus that evokes a specific response due to learning)
conditioned response (CR)
a reflex response to a previously neutral stimulus that occurs after learning has taken place
the learning itself, the gaining (acquiring) of knowledge or a skill
acquisition process
the process of learning that conditioned response
acquisition phase
the period of time between presentation of a stimulus and receiving reinforcement
the gradual decrease in strength or frequency of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer available
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus after a period of apparent extinction
stimulus generalisation
when stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus produce the conditioned response
stimulus discrimination
the ability to discrimination between stimuli so that only a specific stimulus produces the conditioned response
graduated exposure/systematic desensitisation
a type of behavioural therapy used to reduce a phobia, involving exposing a person to their phobia-causing stimulus or situation very slowly, by degrees, under relaxed conditions until the fear response is extinguished
an intense and irrational fear of an object, situation or thing, which persists over time
a behavioural therapy based on classical conditioning principles, which conditions new, pleasant responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted responses
aversion therapy
a type of behaviour therapy that uses classical conditioning principles to change an undesirable behaviour by associating it with an unpleasant stimulus
a form of behavioural therapy whereby an individual with a phobia is exposed to the fear-producing object or situation in a ‘flood-like’ manner, so they are completely immersed in the situation
operant conditioning
a learning process in which the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated is determined by the consequence of that behaviour
operant reinforcer
any event that follows a response and increases the probability of the response being repeated
positive reinforcement
when a pleasant or desirable event follows a response and generally increases or strengthens the likelihood of that response occurring again
negative reinforcement
when a response removes, reduces or prevents an unpleasant stimulus and creates a positive consequences it increases or strengthens the likelihood of that response occurring again
continuous reinforcement
a schedule of reinforcement where a reinforcer follows every correct response
partial reinforcement
a schedule of reinforcement where a reinforcer follows only some (not all) correct responses
fixed ratio
a type of partial reinforcement where a set number of correct responses must be made before obtaining reinforcement
variable ration
a type of partial reinforcement where a varied number of correct responses must be made before receiving reinforcement
fixed interval
a types of partial reinforcement where, after a correct response is made, a reinforcer is given after a fixed amount of time had passed
variable interval
a type of partial reinforcement where a reinforcer is only given for the first correct response after a varied amount of time
any event following a response that decreases the likelihood of the response occurring again because it introduces an unpleasant stimulus
any unpleasant stimulus that reduces the likelihood of an unwanted behaviour occurring again
response cost
when a reinforcer or positive state of affairs is removed following a response, and this decreases the likelihood that this response will occur again
operant extinction
when the learnt response gradually decreases in strength or rate of response after reinforcement stops
operant spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of a previously reinforced response after period go apparent extinction
operant stimulus discrimination
the ability to differentiate between stimuli similar to the stimuli that signal reinforcement and non-reinforcement
operant stimulus generalisation
the tendency to respond to stimuli similar to stimuli that precede operant reinforcement
an operant training technique that involves reinforcing successive responses that closely resemble or progress towards the desired response
token economy
where desirable behaviour is rewarded with a symbolic reinforcer (a token) that can be exchanged at a later date for a tangible reinforcer
primary reinforcer
a natural, non-learnt reinforcer that produces comfort, ends discomfort, or fills an immediate physical need
secondary reinforcer
a reinforcer that has no value of its own but can be exchanged for a primary reinforcer that does have value
token reinforcer
a tangible secondary reinforcer
law of effect
the probability of a response being repeated is altered by the effect of that response
trail-and-error learning
when an organism continues to explore their environment until they discover a response that will allow them to reach their desired goal
observational learning
when learning occurs by watching (observing) other and noting the consequences of their actions, then imitating or not imitating their behaviour
someone who serves as an example in observational learning