Chapter 6 Fire Behavior Flashcards
Is a rapid chemical process that produces heat and usually light. It is neither a liquid or solid, but rather is the by product of combustible vapors being consumed by a chemical process.
Is made up of atoms and molecules. It exists in three states: solid, liquid, or gas
It has a definite shape and size. Cold makes solids more brittle while heat makes them more flexible
It will assume the shape of the container in which it is placed. Most liquids will expand when heated and turn into a gas when sufficiently heated. A liquid has no definite shape but it does have definite volume
It is a type of fluid that has neither independent shape nor independent volume but rather tends to expand indefinitely.
What percentages make up the mixture of gases in air?
21% oxygen
78% nitrogen
1% other gases such as carbon dioxide
Chemical Energy
It is Energy created by a chemical reaction.
Most chemical reactions occur because bonds are established between two substances or bonds are broken as two substances are chemically separated
Mechanical Energy
Is converted to heat when two materials rub against each other and create friction
Electrical Energy
Heat that is produced by electricity
Reactions that result in the release of energy in the form of heat
Reactions that absorb heat or require heat to be added.
Ignition Temperature
Minimum temperature a substance should attain to ignite under specific test conditions
Nuclear Energy
It is created by splitting the nucleus of an atom into two much smaller nuclear (fission) or by combining two small nuclei into one large nucleus (fusion). Nuclear reactions release large amounts of energy in the form of heat
Conservation of Energy
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created of destroyed by ordinary means. Energy can however be converted from one form to another
What are the three basic elements for combustion to occur?
What are the three components that make up a fire triangle?
The smallest unit of matter
Is the process in which oxygen combines chemically with another substance to create a new compound
Is a rapid chemical process in which the combustion of a substance with oxygen produces heat and light
Is the decomposition of a material brought about by heat in the absence of oxygen
Incomplete Combustion
When a fire burns without an adequate supply of oxygen and produces a variety of toxic by products
It includes three major components:
Particles - solids
Vapors - finely suspended liquids
Thermal column
A cylindrical area above a fire in which heated air and gases rise and travel upward
What are the primary methods that fire can grow and spread?
Direct Contact