Chapter 3 PPE And SCBA Flashcards
Personal Alert Safety System (PASS)
It is an electronic device that sounds a loud audible signal when a firefighter becomes trapped of injured
Air cyclinder
The component of the SCBA that stores the compressed air supply
Air Line
The hose through which air flows, either within an SCBA of from an outside source to a supplied air respirator
The harness of SCBA which supports the components worn by a firefighter.
Bunker coat
The protective coat worn by a fire fighter for interior structural firefighting; also called a turnout coat
Bunker Pants
The protective trousers worn by a firefighter for interior structural firefighting; also called turnout pants
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
A toxic gas produced through incomplete combustion
A cancer-causing substance that is identified in one of several published lists
Cascade System
A method of piping air tanks together to allow air to be supplied to the SCBA fill station using a progressive selection of tanks, each which a higher pressure level (NPFA 1901)
Closed Circuit Breathing Apparatus
SCBA designed to recycle the user’s exhaled air. This system removes carbon dioxide and generates fresh oxygen.
A device used for increasing the pressure and density of gas
To take off an item
To put on an item of clothing equipment
Dual-path pressure reducer
A feature that automatically provides a back up method for air to be supplied to the regulator of an SCBA if the primary passage malfunctions
End of Service Time Indicator
A warning device on a SCBA that alerts the user that the end of the breathing time is approaching
Face piece
A component of SCBA that fits over the face
Fire Helmet
Protective head covering worn by fire fighters to protect the head from falling objects, blunt trauma and heat
Hand Light
A small portable light carried by fire fighters to improve hand visibility at emergency scenes; it is often powered by rechargeable batteries
Heads-up display
A visual display of information and system conditions status that is visible to wearer of the SCBA
Hydrogen Cyanide
A toxic gas produced by combustion of materials containing cyanide
Hydrostatic Testing
Pressure testing of the extinguisher to verify its strength against unwanted rupture
Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH)
Any condition that would pose an immediate or delayed condition that would pose an immediate or delayed threat to life, cause irreversible adverse health effects, or interfere with an individual’s ability to escape unaided from a hazardous environment
Incomplete combustion
A burning process in which fuel is not completely consumed, usually due to limited supply of oxygen
A strong synthetic material used in the construction of protective clothing and equipment