Chapter 6: Film Flashcards
What is zoopraxiscope?
A machine for projecting slides into a distant surface
What is the persistence of vision?
Images our eyes gather are retained in the brain for 1/24 of a second
What is a kinetograph?
A motion picture camera that takes 40 photographs a second
What is daguerreotype?
The process of recording images on polished metal plates
What is the calotype?
Process of recording images on translucent paper (negative)
What is the kinetoscope?
A peep show device
What is a cinematographe?
A device that both photographed and projected action
What is a montage?
Tying together two separate but related shots in such a way that they took on a new unified meaning
What are nickelodeons?
Movie showings that cost one nickel
What are factory studios?
Production companies
What is a B movie?
Typically a less expensive movie
What is a double feature?
Showing of two movies
What is vertical integration?
A system in which studios produced their own films, distributed them through their own outlets and exhibited then in their own theatres
What is block booking?
The practice of requiring exhibitors to rent groups of movies, often inferior to secure a better one
What is the green light process?
The decision to make the movie in the first place
What is the platform rollout?
To open a movie on a few screens abs hope the critical response is good and word of mouth will propel it to success
What are corporate independents?
Producers of movies that have the look and feel of independent films
What is the blockbuster mentality?
Filmmaking characterized by reduced risk taking and more formulaic movies
What are concept films?
Movies that can be described in one line
What is a tent pole?
An expensive blockbuster around which a studio plans its other releases
What are franchise films?
Movies that are produced with the full intention of producing several sequels
What are theatrical films?
Those produce originally for theatre exhibition
What is micro cinema?
Filmakers using digital cameras and desktop editing machines
What are branding films?
The sponsor finance movies to advance a manufacturers product line