Chapter 6: Disorders of trauma and stress test bank Flashcards
The portion of the nervous system that is responsible for changes in response to fear and arousal is the ______.
sympathetic nervous system or autonomic nervous system
Reactions to trauma that happen almost immediately and gradually disappear in a month or so are likely to be diagnosed as ______.
acute stress disorder
Reliving an event that happened months ago, avoidance of things associated with that event, and a generally reduced responsiveness, are symptoms of ______.
posttraumatic stress disorder
Clinicians eventually have come to realize that many soldiers also experienced serious psychological symptoms long after combat is over. The disorder that can follow combat is called
posttraumatic stress disorder
A biological explanation for the stress disorders involves the activity of the neurotransmitter/hormone ______.
Poor health is BEST described as a: A: stress. B:stressor. c: stress response. D: stress model.
A person who copes well with a happy event in life is showing a positive: stress. stressor. stress response. stress model.
stress response.
In the face of fear, a person is unable to concentrate and develops a distorted view of the world. This person is showing which of the following fear responses?
A: physical
B emotional
C; cognitive
D; The person is showing all three responses.
A friend says, “I’m going to get some therapy to help reduce my headaches. What do you suggest?” Based on current research on the effectiveness of treatments for stress-related physical disorders, your BEST answer would be:
“Forget it; only the passage of time is really very helpful.”
“Just take your medicine; drugs alone work as well as anything.”
“Try any of the psychotherapies like relaxation training or support groups; you don’t need drugs.”
“A combination of psychotherapy and drug therapy works better than any therapy by itself.”
“A combination of psychotherapy and drug therapy works better than any therapy by itself.”
Which of the following BEST sums up the author’s views of the latest trends in understanding stress disorders?
We tend to underestimate the significance of psychological factors in physical illness.
There are too few creative prevention programs being developed.
The line between enlightenment and overenthusiasm is often thin.
Psychoneuroimmunology is a thing of the past and not likely to be used much in the future.
The line between enlightenment and overenthusiasm is often thin.
According to your text, meditation, hypnosis, and cognitive interventions are all useful in: treating infection. controlling pain. treating asthma. reducing “mindfulness.”
controlling pain.
If a friend of yours was suffering from hypertension, the BEST advice you could give from the following alternatives is to:
combine relaxation training with biofeedback.
combine biofeedback with medication.
combine meditation with biofeedback.
combine medication with relaxation training.
combine medication with relaxation training.
If you have a high level of cytokines, we know that:
you have developed antibodies to protect you from infection.
you are at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.
your liver is not producing bile.
your immune system is unusually healthy.
you are at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.
Which of the following people is experiencing the MOST stress as measured by the Social Readjustment Rating Scale? one who has just won the lottery one whose spouse has just died one who has just retired one whose child is seriously ill
one whose spouse has just died
Narcolepsy is a:
psychological disorder often triggered by biological factors.
psychological disorder often triggered by strong emotions.
biological disorder often triggered by biological
biological disorder often triggered by strong emotions.
biological disorder often triggered by strong emotions.
The MOST common of the following psychophysiological disorders is: ulcers. chronic headaches. asthma. hypertension.
If you are similar to most other people, which of the following are you MOST likely to do to relieve stress? drink alcohol exercise use a cell phone to call, text, etc. watch TV, read, or listen to music
watch TV, read, or listen to music
Surveys show that people are LEAST likely to do which of the following in order to relieve stress? drink alcoholic beverages talk to someone exercise pray or meditate
drink alcoholic beverages
Ideally, critical incident stress debriefing occurs:
immediately, and is long-term.
immediately, and is short-term.
after a “recovery” period, and is long-term.
after a “recovery” period, and is short-term.
immediately, and is short-term.
Combat veterans in a therapy group express a great deal of guilt and rage. MOST likely, the veterans are in a(n):
desensitization and reprocessing group.
rap group.
“experience writing” group.
exposure group.
rap group.
A combat veteran undergoing “eye movement desensitization and reprocessing” is experiencing: exposure therapy. group therapy. insight therapy. drug therapy.
exposure therapy.
A returning combat veteran with a stress disorder would MOST likely be in \_\_\_\_\_\_ to help change dysfunctional attitudes and styles of interpretation that resulted from the trauma. cognitive therapy family therapy EMDR a rap group
cognitive therapy
A friend says to you, “I know someone who is a combat veteran who was just diagnosed with PTSD. Do you think therapy will help this person?” Which of the following is the BEST answer you can give based on current research?
“Probably—about two-thirds of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement.”
“Probably—over 90 percent of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement.”
“Almost certainly—about 80 percent of those receiving therapy for PTSD show almost immediate improvement, and most of the rest show improvement within two years of starting therapy.”
“Yes—almost everyone receiving treatment for PTSD shows improvement within a few months.”
Probably—about two-thirds of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement.”
After Marie’s plane crashed, her mother came to stay. Her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with her occasionally. This situation, which probably contributed to Marie’s coping ability after the accident, relates to stress as a factor in her response to the accident.
social support
severity of the trauma
the nature of her childhood experiences
social support
In the MOST common type of dissociative amnesia, a person loses memory for:
some but not all the events surrounding the
all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time.
all events from the trauma onward.
all events before and after the trauma
all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time.
After a major earthquake, television coverage showed
survivors shuffling confusedly through the ruined buildings. If such victims later could not remember the days immediately after the earthquake, the victims would be suffering from what type of amnesia?
A: continuous
People with which dissociative disorder typically do not eventually recover without receiving treatment?
dissociative identity disorder
dissociative fugue
dissociative amnesia
All dissociative disorders eventually resolve themselves successfully.
dissociative identity disorder
Depersonalization disorder is most common among those who are: preadolescents. adolescents and young adults. adults between the ages of 40 and 60. adults over 60.
adolescents and young adults.
If I suffer from depersonalization disorder, but the symptomsdisappear after a while, they most likely will reappear if I: get married to someone I really love. survive a bad car accident. travel on vacation near where I live. experience a sudden bout of mania.
survive a bad car accident.
I have just arrived in a city where I know no one, and English is not spoken by very many people. I feel as though my mind is separating from my body and I am actually observing myself do things. What I am experiencing is: temporary depersonalization. depersonalization disorder. posttraumatic stress disorder. transient posttraumatic distress.
temporary depersonalization
When a person feels that the external world is removed, mechanical, distorted, or even “dead,” he or she is experiencing: doubling. depersonalization. dissociative amnesia. derealization.
Feeling that your hands and feet are smaller or bigger than usual or that you are in a dreamlike state is called: doubting. dumbing down. doubling. distrusting.
If a person’s mental functioning or body feels unreal or
foreign, the person is MOST likely suffering from:
body dysmorphic disorder.
dissociative identity disorder.
dissociative amnesia