Chapter 11: Eating disorders test bank Flashcards
The disorder characterized by low body weight and a
disturbed body image is called ______.
anorexia nervosa (True Answer )
a lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).
an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.
Anorexia nervosa that is characterized exclusively by
controlling the intake of food is called ______ anorexia
restricting-type (True Answer )
The ritualistic behaviors surrounding food that are
characteristic of anorexia nervosa are similar to ______.
obsessive-compulsive disorder (True Answer )
An emaciated woman who perceives herself as too fat
illustrates ______.
distorted thinking (True Answer )
People with _______ have a low opinion of their body shape and physical attractiveness.
distorted thinking (True Answer )
The cessation of menstruation common to anorexic women is known as ______.
amenorrhea (True Answer )
Overeating and vomiting characterize ______.
bulimia nervosa or binge/purge anorexia nervosa (True
Answer )
Those who have bulimia nervosa may have between ______
and ______ binge episodes per week.
1; 30 (True Answer )
Kidney disease and heart problems are possible medical
complication of long-term ______.
bulimia nervosa (True Answer )
The function in the body of glucagonlike peptide-1 is to act as a natural ______.
appetite suppressants (True Answer )
The weight to which a person’s body naturally returns after a diet is known as his or her ______.
weight set point (True Answer )
Gaining weight after a diet is over is called the ______.
rebound effect (True Answer )
The emphasis on female thinness helps create a strong predisposition toward eating disorders due to ______.
society (True Answer )
According to Salvador Minuchin, a(n) ______ family pattern is one in which members are overly concerned with each other’s affairs.
enmeshed (True Answer )
______is a therapy program conducted in a hospital ward. It emphasizes educating anorexic patients, encouraging them, and providing a structured program for weight gain.
Supportive nursing care (True Answer )
In the therapy approach called ______, a therapist exposes a bulimic patient to binge-inducing stimuli and then prevents binge eating
exposure and response prevention (True Answer )
______ medication has been shown to be particularly effective with bulimia nervosa.
Antidepressant (True Answer )
The disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by forced vomiting is called: obesity. obsession. anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa.
bulimia nervosa. (True Answer )Correct
A person who eats large amounts of food in a short period, and does this repeatedly, with no other symptoms, would be said to have:
a binge-eating disorder.
anorexia nervosa.
no eating disorder.
a binge-eating disorder. (True Answer )Correct
Characteristics of anorexia nervosa include all the following EXCEPT:
body weight of 85 percent or less than normal.
fear of becoming overweight
a view that one is currently unattractively thin.
loss of menstrual periods.
a view that one is currently unattractively thin. (True
Answer )Correct
Which of the following would be MOST likely to cut out
sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in force vomiting?
someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia
someone experiencing purging-type anorexia
someone experiencing bulimia nervosa
someone experiencing acute-type bulimia
someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia
nervosa (True Answer )Correct
A woman eats cookies, cake, ice cream, and almost anything else that is sweet. At some point during the binge, she takes a huge dose of a laxative to “empty out” the food. Her taking the laxative, and the assumption underlying why she does it,
would lead to a diagnosis of:
binge-eating disorder.
purging-type bulimia nervosa.
nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa
eating disorder not otherwise specified.
purging-type bulimia nervosa. (True Answer )Correct
Which of the following is a diagnostic criterion for bulimia nervosa?
obsessive thoughts about cleanliness
weight at least 15 percent below normal
lack of control over eating during binging
one episode of binge eating followed by purging
lack of control over eating during binging