chapter 6 and 8 Flashcards
what is the Europa plan
suggested by who
a large-scale rescue plan to exchange European Jews for money (ransom remaining Jews off)
Rabbi WeissMandel
why did the Europa Plan fail?
bc couldnt raise money in America
American Jews felt it was illegal
what did Rabbi WeissMandel try to get the allies to do
who did he get caught by
why did the allies refuse
bomb railways
germans sent him to aushwitz but he jumped out of the train on the way there
would send planes out of way - would get in way of war effort
although allies were bombing miles away form gas chambers
who is george mandel-mantello
a religious wealthy romanian jew who tried to help as many jews as he can - trying ot get them to emigrate to EY and western countries
what did America/Pres Roosevelt do in the war
Refugee Board Mission
what is the Refugee Board Mission
was it successful
help remaining jews in europe
saved 200,000 jews
why did rooselvelt do this
found out congress would embarss him publicily by voting and deciding on tehir own to set up the board
what does germany decide dot do in june 1944
destroy jews of hungary
what did the germans persuade the Hungarian govt to do
deport hungarian jews
400,000 were sent to aushwitz
what is the death marches
what were the conditions
as germans began losing
forced jews to march to Germany
in the fall and winter
wore thin clothing
no shoes or wooden shoes
barely given food
if you fell - u would be shot on the spot
thousands of ppl died
in some locations what would people do to jews on death marches
give them food
once the allies came to the camps what would the soldiers give the jews
and what would happen 2 some of them
but since many of their digestive system couldn’t handle it = died
what would teh allies do with the dead bodies
mass burials in camps
what was the main problem for many survivors
(provide instances)
many of them had nowhere to go
when they would go back home - there would be ppl living there - who would be surprised to see Jews alive
those who agreed w/ hitler would attack the Jews - would make the area dangerous
to send a message to the Jews to not come back
What was Kieltc
organised attack on jews to send a message to not come back
what did the US and the allies establish
who was this for
and how would it help jews find family
Displaced Persons Camps
jews who had nowhere to go
they would write names and where they were from - send it to other camps in hopes of finding relatives
warsaw ghetto uprising
what did the jews do
what were the results from their actions
threw bombs
german soliders were shocked
would come back w/ more soldiers and flame throwers
would either kill survivors on the spot or taken to Treblinka or other death camps
summer 1942
where did germans start moving
what was their goal
who was able to stop them
eastward in north africa
annihalate massive jewish communities of the region - especially EY
British Army b4 Germany reached EY
Spring 1943
What did the Germans do to the Jews of Greece
destroyed the largest sephardic community
including souls and 98% of the population
Germany towards Hungary jews:
What happened as a result of this
would deport them rapidly to aushwitgz using trains
the commander in charge of Aushwitz - Rudolph Hess
had to call EIchmann to slow down operate
couldn’t handle the largest of amount of jews being sent to gas chambers
who did Rabbi Weissmandel and Mrs.Fleischman lead
what did rabbi weissmandel spend 2 yrs trying to do
Slovakian Jews underground
bribe slovikan guards to stop deportation = failed
day after day starting may 15 1944 what would happen
regarding jews and trains
there would be trains filed with 12,000 jews to aushwitgz
who did the Hungarian govt get enormous pressure from
to do what and what happened
king of Sweden begged leader of Hungary to save remains jews in the name of humanity
deportations finally stopped
the Germans were furious Hungary stopped their trains
so what did they do
deposed leader
installed their own govt
then tens of thousands of jews were killed by Hungarian Arrow Cross soldiers in Budapest
who is Raoul Wallenberg
what did he do
what about his family
a nonjew Swedish diplomat
saved 10,000s of Hungarian jews
gave up a comfortable secure career and life-style to work on behalf of the jewish people
went to EY and remained there - believing in the right of the jews to the promised land
most imp and wealthy fam
after war refugee board was set up
what did Wallenberg do
set up safe houses for jews in Budapest under swedish and Swiss protection
provided jews with Swedish papers
carried food to jews on death marches and succeeded in jews getting released
what ended up happening to Wallenberg
kiddnapped by Russians and sent to Russian labor camp
1944 - who were Germans rounding up and killing who
jews of greek islands
what happened to jews of rhodes
sephardic jews
snatched sent on a 2 week journey - no food to birkenau
what happened to jews of crete
what day
loaded on boat with other german enemies including italian soliders
shipwrecked and everyone drowned
june 6, 1944
what else happened on june 6 1944
jews of corfu were arrested and semt to aushwitz
how did george mandel - mantello help the jews of europe
who helped him
opened up operation w/ consulate to mass produce salvadoran citizenship which he snet to 1,000s of jew refugees
jewish and christian studnets
did geroge mandel - mantello earn money for his work
no never took a penny
when jews of hungary came under attack what did GMM do
organized rescue efforts in switzerlsnd - contacted friends to find out how things were doing
who did GMM send
where did he send him
what did he carry with him
his friend DR. E Florian Manoliu
to Bistriz town where GMM’s parents were still living
thousands of protective citizen ship papers for any jews in town
hoped to save GMM’s parents and many of the towns jews
what happened when DR. E Florian Manoliu arrived
all jews had been taken to auschwitz
and GMM’s parents had long been killed
where did DR. E Florian Manoliu go after bistriz
what did he do there
what did he get
to budapest
gave protection papers to a jewish leader Moshe Krausz
two copies of the report from rabbi weissmandel that contained the interview of the two escapees from aushwitz
what was the interview about
whatt happened to the news of this interview
british news director - garret who received govt permission to send word of what was taking place n aushwitz to western embassies in switzerland
reported by akmost all swiss newspapers - reported over 12,000 jews were murdered everyday in aushwitz - GMM was a contributing factoring in getting th news around the world
after the news was reported over all swiss newspapers
what did western govt begin doing
serious and strong protest against the deportation of the remaining jews in hungary
who is pinchas rosenbaum
a hungarian jew who was a talmud chacham and tzadik
son of a rabbi
genius in learning torah
learnt with older boys
think of new interpreations of the tanach on the spot
became a rabbi at 18
when pinchas was forced to labor on shabbat in the camp
did he
what happened as a result
quietly refused
he was beatean with other orthodox jews
liutenant officer came to review what wa shappening - pinchas told him he wanst going to work and they can kill him if they would like
hungarian lieutent let him and other orthodox jews to rest with the fact they would make up the work during the week
when pinchas escaped the camp what happened
made contact with other groups of jews to save jews from nazis
their group was called hatzalah
went undercover as a hungarian nazi solider - offered to take any assignment no matter the danger
when pinchas was in the hatzalah group what did he wear under his solider uniform
his tzit
after pinchas would “arrest” the jews what would he say to them
shalom aleichem u r free now
how would pinchas protect him and the jews in the car
arranged protection for them through a righteous swiss non-jew, karl lutz
when pinchas went to labor camps what did he do
smuggle out jews and send them fake documents from foreign embassies
enabled jews to go free under swedish or swiss protection
when pinchas was in budapest
who did he save and how
group of young boys in ghetto
would send them out to work - reveal himself
place them to Glass House (largets safe house in budapest) and over 2,000 jews received protection in the building
who else did pinchas work with
what did they do together
Mr.Karl Lutz - swiss consul in budapest
saved over 25,000 jews by issuing protective papers called Schutzpasses - did it w/ no authroative permission
would pinchas visit the glass house often
what would he do there
yes he would
lead davening
provided spiritual and physical help
what happened as the hungarian govt collapsed
germans and hungarians were on a reign of terror through budapest
arresting jews
mudering them along thr danube river
dragged jews to death marches and hard labor
when boys were sent to the battle field for the last battle in hungary what did pinchas do
arrived at battle front and waved a piece of paper showing he had orders to reov this “jewish filth: to another detachment and they were instantly released
pinchas took them to proteceted house suntil after the war
what happened to the righetous non-jew Mr.Luts
swiss govt prosecuted him and removed him from his diplomatic post for “illegal activity” (saving jews w/o permission(
took away his pension
how did pinchas help mr.lutz
helped him financilaly for his family for the rest of his life
where did pincha =s move to after being a rav in hungary
geneva switzerland
a house full of chesed
When did Mrs.Renee Reichman begin her chesed
Received a letter from another Jew from Vienna
That a certain Mrs.Klein who had moved to America asked if Mrs.Reichman would send a package of food to a relative of hers to the concentration camp
After Mrs.Reichmann sent that first package of food
What did it lead her to do
To start sending packages to Jews who were working in the slave camps
How was Mrs.Reichmann able to send food packages to the Jew slaves
Her brother (yechezkel) who still lived in Slovakia sent her over 1800 names of Slovakian Jews (mostly young women) who had been working in AUSHWITZ
How was Mrs Reichman able to send 2000 packages
Approached wealthy Jews for money
Got help from poor Jewish children of Tangier’s to help her tie and pack the packages
We’re the Jews in the camps able to send their gratitude towards Mrs Reichman
Yes the Germans let Jews write back so they can tell the Red Cross they let Jews write to their friends
Did Mrs Reichman receive any government help
The Spanish who controlled the part of Morocco she lived in
Helped her by making believer nothing unusual was going on
Story of Chaya Meiselman
Heard her number called one day
But refused to step forward
They kept calling her name threading her with death
She figured she had nothing to lose
She didn’t get killed
She was called to the gestapo (nazi police) and received a package from Mrs.Reichmann
How did Mrs.Reichman help when it came to the Hungary Jews
Contacted friends in Europe to help
They sent names of children and adults and asked to get Spanish government to offer permits to enter tangiers
Through the help of an American diplomat in tangiers J Rives Childers - she was able to give the Jews the documents they need
What is the Red Cross
How did they badly stain their record
International organization dedicated to helping those who are wounded or sick in war
We’re fooled by German propaganda
How did the Germans fool TEH Red Cross
Red Cross wanted to see concentration camp
So Germans showed them Terezin, Theresienstadt
And they prettied up the town
Painted buildings to look like stores
Even opened up a cafe
Temporarily housed the Jews
Even took pictures and film of the “happy Jews” for propaganda movie
Once Red Cross came - agreed the Jews of Nazi Europe weren’t being treated as baldy as the “propaganda” searching German atrocities had suggested
What is the sad truth about all the Jews seen in the terezin propaganda movie
Most of them had been sent to AUSHWITZ
Who were the exceptions that were able to stay in terezin for two years
What happened after the two years
Famous jew writers
Eventually sent to gas chambers of aushwitz
Did the Red Cross do anything for the Jews in the end
Took them weeks to officially protest the enormous Hungarian deportations to aushwitz
After pressure from European leaders
When was the last gassing of Jews in auschwitz
What were the Germans planning to do
November 28 1944
Retreat from camps and cover up all their terrible crimes
Planned on blowing up camps like they did with treblinka
Did the Germans succeed in their plans of escaping
No the Russians discovered hell on earth in auschwitz
When we’re the camps liberated
First months of 1945
We’re many of the people who were rescued in the camps able to make out
Who was one person who didn’t make it
We’re too weak or sick to survive
Even with help of soldiers
One person who didn’t make it was Anne frank
When did hitler kill himself
What were his last word
April 29, 1945
To uphold the racial laws and mercilessly resist the universal poisoner of all nations - international Jewry
is it true that several imp jewish leaders
tzadikim and famous secular leaders predicted that a horrible tragedy would fall upon European Jewry
did the jews listen
didnt take them seriously
when there was action against their soliders
how did the germans respond
examples (Czestochowa and treblinks)
took extreme revenge
1) jewish resistance group killed 25 soldiers
germans shot 250 old ppl and children
2) jew throw grenade at one german
germans killed dozens of jews
before killing the jews
what were the germans interested in doing
dehumanizing them
remove huminty and g-dliness in them
help support the idea that jews were less yuman than other ppl
examples of germans dehumanizing jews
1) stripped them all of their clothes in public in concentration camps
2)encouraged jews to fight w/ each other for scraps of food
3) gave numbers on their clothes at camp (aushwitz arms as well)
who is rabbi menachem ziemba
what was his heroic action
was he in favor of the jewish revolt against germans
halachic expert in all of poland
was offered refuge by a local church
declined to stay in ghetto with the jewish ppl
gave his brecha and halachic decision in favor of revolt
what is Sonderkommando
groups of jews who cleaned out gas chambers after everyone else was killed
how did the aushwitz revol unfolded
sonderkommando jews would hurl upon the germans would hammers n axes
germans would come back w/ machine guns
who r the 4 jewssess that were arrested
how did they die
roza robota
ella gartner
hung in front of all the women
what does the aushwitz revolt show
courage jews had
where else did jes revolt
treblinka - blew up parts of camp
sobibor - most successful
how did germans respond to successful sobibor revolt
conducted a massacre in madjaek
called Harvest Festival
how would partisans revolt
blow up bridges and roads germans used
what is jewish otriads
family camps
groups of shetter 4 family and individual jews
sought to protect n save every jew
who is tuvia bielski
was part of family camps with his brothers
his goal was to save any and all jew that can reach him