Chapter 3 Flashcards
what happened in June 1941
Germany invaded russia
what is einsatgruppen
what would happen
how many died
special duty groups who murded jews
jews dug their own graves and were shot into the pits by shooting squads
would follow a german army and march to forests in eastern europe
a million and half shot by this group
why didnt the jews run
had no ideas
who recommended they run
rabbi shimon rozowsky
what did rabbi shimon rozowsky recommend
to run
why didn’t the older people want to leave
didnt want to leave fam
didnt know if they can provide for fam or didn’t know where to stay
story about Tzvi
he was abt to get shot but he dodged bullet and fell into pit
felt dead bodies on top of him
made it out by crawling out of pit through dead bodies
judenfrei meaning
free of jews
where did Tzvi go after running away
widows house by lying he was Jesus
promised to bless her house, farm, children and her
what would communist russian alies of hitler do
block all news of what the germans were doing to the jews
Einsatgropper: problems
what did it waste?
was it efficient?
what about the local population?
how would the german soldiers suffer?
1) ammunition
2) inefficent
3) ukraine + lithuania were ok during this didnt say anything but other countries would see and say something
4) would get PTSD - Germans cared about their soliders mental health not how Jews felt seeing their family killed
was there an official document stating hitler told germans to kill the jews
how did the germans know to kill the jews
hitler would hint it out enough for soldiers to understand
how to kill jews more efficently - solving einsatgropper problems
how did they make it more efficent
filled a van with jews took exhaust pipe and droe around until carbon monoxide killed them - killed 50-60 ppl
what did the germans do so the jews wouldn’t rebel
tricked them
did they used a lot of soliders
used minium amt to kill more ppl
how many jews survived in chelmna (camp)
only 2
what would the soliders do to avoid moving equipment around
bring jews to gas
who is Heydrich
second in command of Stormtrooper (SS)
in charge fo a meeting that counted all
it was his idea and he built special camps to kill every JEw
what kind of ppl were in concentration camps
all types of ppl
how many types of camps
how did jews/ppl in concentration camps die
worked to death or unti killed by guards
what was Mauthausen
what was it known as
what would ppl have to do
“148 steps of death”
have to run up narrows stairs carrying 100 lb boulders while being beaten
how many death camps
and their names
1) chelmno
2) majdonek
3) treblinka
4) belzec
5) solbiber
6) Aushwitz-Birkenau (both death and concentraion)
what else was included with the concentration camps
slave labor camps
trasit camps
death camps
what was the reason for the death camps
to clear out ghettos and ship ppl to death camps
murdered two hrs after getting off train
where in poland would they place death camps
and why
different parts to make it easier to transport ppl
what did they use to transport Jews
were jews able to sit
cattle carts
no had to stand
how long would the train ride be?
would they be given any food?
1-5 days
one loaf of bread
how did some german jews get to the death camps and why
in regular transit trains able to sit
if they had won war medals in WW1
what did ppl working in the death camps have to do
clean out train carts with dead bodies
how were the jews persuaded to get on the trains
did the jews bring anything
more food
told they were being resettled
some were forced
told they were moving to new place so they brought a suitcase
what did the slave labor jews in the death camps know
what would happen to ppl who arrivied on trains
were the jews working in the death camps able to tell people the truth
no it was illegal and if they did = get shot
what were the germans aware of and what would they do with this info
aware of jewish calenda
woyld choose to torture jews on jewish holidays
what had to be handed over to the SS
jewlery, gold, money, good clothing
who did the germans find
non-jews willing to participate in einsatzgruppen
hwo did the non jews partciapte
would round up their jewish neighbor or watched or helped with the killing
after the jews were marched out f town what would some non jews do
looted and robbed their homes
what would a smal amount of non jews do
and what type of non jews
hid jews
ukrainian, lithuanian and poland
Yaffa Eilach - town masscare
what happened
on rosh hashanna
jew of eisysky and nearby towns watched their shuls be destroyed
rabbi shimon rozowsky declared jew should fight back
rabbi shimon rozowsky did ppl support him
some did
but some opposed him
who led the opposition against rabbi shimon rozowsky
and what happened
Yossef Wildenburg
they won
who was the hazan with rabbi shimon rozowsky
what did rabii shimon rozowsky and mr.tabolsky do
held the holy torah scrolls
and led the congregation in reciting Vidduy - confession of dying
jews who were grouped in groups of 250 what would happen to them
taken to old Jewish cemeterys in front of open dithed and would be shot in back of head by lithuian guards with encouragement and help of local ppl
who would be killed first
who supervised the killing
how did he dress
what did he reserve for himself
what did he practice
the chief executionor Lithuanian Ostrovakas
white apron and gloves
shooting the towns notables like Rabbi SHimon Rozowsky
before zvi left what did he tell the women he stayed by
to keep the lords visit a secret because of His special mission on earth
after zvi left the woman’s house pretending to be Jesus
where did he go
and what was born
nearby forest
Jewish partisan movement
how many polish ans russian jews succeded escaping the germans and how
half million russian
300,000 polish
becaus ethey lived in russia or because they ran further east into russian interior
what did russian armies do
evacute entire towns including jew s- taking them eastward
how wer ethe million jews in russia Poland and ukraine caught by surprise
rounded up and killed in forests of russia and Poland
in only 3 days in Babi Yar over 33,000 jews shot to death
what did the german officer sin charge of “reseeting” the European jews realize
and what kind of wording would they use
not all of europe non jews would conset to having jews killed in their own backyard
didn’t use harsh word like killing would use eupheminism like resettling and special treatmen
how did the dutch react when they found out their fellow jews were being killed
how did germany react
how did jews react
staged a protest strike
threatened to murder 100s of jews
dutch jews begged to stop and the dutch did
after the gas vans what did they begin to use
gas chambers
what was the new german policy and what was the center piece
The Final SOlution and gassing
who was one of the ppl who escape Chelmno
Yaakov Grojanowski
what did Yaakov Grojanowski do when he escaped
went to polish jewish community
warned them of what awaited them
when local rav heard thus instructed all young jews to escape
Yaakov then risked his life and tried to reach Warsaw 0 one of the biggest jewish communities
one of the leaders of Warsaw Ghetto
what did he do
how did he die
Emanuel Ringelbaum
wrote a diary of his experiences which he buried in ghetto
killed in treblinka death camp
who killed yugoslavian jews and where
who helped them and how
Croat soliders (allies of hitler) and some Bosnian Muslims
in camps of their own making
Muslim Leader Of Jerusalem HajAmin Al Husseini
made special trips to berlin - met with hitler and Yugoslavia
tried stoping jews from coming to EY
encouraged local Muslims to help in killing of jews
what was scheduled for the roman jews
what happened
for deportation and murder at Belzec death camp
government changed their mind
why did the romian govt change their mind
romanian jeews paid enormous bribes to corrupt romian govt
which romian leader did hitler praise
Ion Antonescu
who was the presidnet of romania and what did he notice
what was happening behind the scenes
noticed germany was losing
hoped new attitude toward jews would make him less cruel to the ALlies so they ould sign a peace treaty w/ him
influential men and women were taking advantage of allies success and the worsening german political fortune
they too applied great pressure of govt officials in effort to save remaining Jews of romania
an example of jews receiving help from romania
Chief Rabbi Dr.Safran received help from the Vatican rep in Romania, and other countries
They and leading Christians spoke to people in control and helped stall the death trains
100s of thousands of jews were saved
where did surviving romanian jews and their children go
made an aliyah to EY - 40 yrs after the war
What is the Wansee Conference
in 1942 many extremely imp german leaders met in Wansee (suburb of Berlin) to share info on the number of jews left in Europe (and north Africa) to discuss the final solution to the “jew problem”
who chaired the meeting
Reinhard Heydrich - second in command in SS
who was in charge of coordinating the murder of European Jewry
Adolph Eichmann
who did Heydrich and Eichmann answer to
Heinrich Himmler - head of SS
there were number of ideas on how to deal with the jews
what was the final decision made in this meeting
to kill them
in spring of 1941
what did Hitler do
he gave oral order to Himmler who passed the news to Heydrich and Eichmann
was the order of killing the jews ever in writing
who didnt attend the wansee conferenece
Hitler and Himmler
what were germans encouraged by
the fact that no country seemed to be interested in letting Jews into their borders
what was listed at the Wansee meeting
each country in europe w/ number of jews living in their borders (11 million)
what was the final decision of the wansee conferenec
all jews would be deported to death camps in Poland to be killed
what happened in concentration camps
people worked there until they died
how else were jews tortured in concentraion camps
would be hung up by their hands up on trees
who is Mr. Jack Werber
one of the men who survived the war
helped rescue 700 Jewish Children in Buchenwald
purpose of death camps
built by germans only for purpose of killing people
famous concentration camps
who was the majority that was shipped to the concentration camps
what did the concentration camps have
slave labor camps
trasit camps
names of death camp
which two death camps also served as concentration camps
Auschwits and Majdanek
Himmler - Chief of SS
the establishment of the death vamps commanded the attention and direction of who
where did Himmler visit
and what command did he give over
Lubin Area
to accomplish massacre and complete annihilation of polish jewry by the end of the calendar year Dec 31 1942
Himmler made an exception to his accomplish massacre and annihalte jews command
who got this exception
give names
small number of ghettos who were reduced
what would the small number of ghettos have to do
the remainder of jews were alllowed ot live there for the sake of immediate labor needs - then killed off
who agreed to finish off the remainder of the jews in ghettos
Himmlers underlings
what was Chelmno working daily to do
destroy Jews of Lodz
what were Sobibor and Belzec created for
to help expedite the destruction of massive jewish communities in eastern and southern Poland
included cities of Lublin, Lvov, Cracow - had 10s f 1,000s of jews
what was treblinka specifically built for
murder of remaining 380,000 jews of warsaw
how many jews already died in warsaw
when was Treblinka opened
Tishah B’Av 1942
besides killing the jews
what was another command of himmler
to cremate all the corpses
which death camp was lagging in cremating the corpses
after Himmler visited Treblinka and Sobibor what did he command
to destroy all evidence at Treblinka
who was forced to destroy the evidence in Treblinka
Jewish slaves
where else did concealing the evidence take place
when Himmler visited Sobibor what happened
he came to see the gassing in action
there were no jews arriving that day
a special request was made to use the jewish slaves
who was chosen to be gassed
jewish girls
what did himmler do after watching this
him and his men went to the canteen to celebrate
How did HaShem send the cure before allowing the calamity to strike
The gassing didn’t occur until the America armed forces (key to military victory) were involved