Chapter 6- Acquisition of Memories and the Working Memory System Flashcards
Process of gaining information and placing it into memory
Hold acquired information in memory until it is needed again
Locate information from memory and bring it into active use
Modal Model: Sensory Memory
○ Incoming info comes here first ○ Held in sensory form § Iconic memory □ Visual inputs § Echoic memory Auditory inputs
Modal Memory: STM/ Working Memory
○ Sensory memory moved into short term memory for storage while you’re still accessing the information
Ideas currently activated and being worked on
Modal Memory: LTM
○ Larger and more permanent storage place
○ Short term memory transferred here
Working Memory
- Limited in size
- Easy to get info into working memory (every time you are thinking about something, it is in your working memory)
- Easy to access
- Contents are fragile (easy to push out/ replace contents out of working memory)
- Stores materials for later use while simultaneously working with other materials (i.e. remembering what you just read while still reading)
• Enormous in size
• Harder to get info into LTM
• Harder to access
Not linked to current focus of thoughts, less fragile
Free Recall Procedure:
• Participants shown list of 30 words presented at one word per minute
• Participants asked to repeat back as many words as possible, in whatever order they want
Usually remember 12-15 words
Primacy Effect:
• Participants likely to remember first few words in list
Words later in list less rehearsed than words early in list, greater chance of being transferred into LTM
Recency Effect:
• Participants likely to remember last few words in list
Working memory is limited in size, so first words in list are bumped out for last words in list
Serial Position Curve:
• U shaped curve that relates position within the series (first in list vs. last in list) and likelihood of recall
Testing Claims About Recency:
• Ask participants to do a task that requires working memory (i.e. counting backwards by 3) before they report list items
• Task will displace working memory’s contents (recency effect will be disrupted)
Items in long term memory not affected
Testing Claims About Primacy:
- Presentation of list slowed down so participants have more time to spend on all list items
- Likelihood of transfer into LTM increased
- No impact on recency effect
- Pre-recency items recall improved
Digit Span Task:
• Participants asked to read series of digits and must immediately repeat them back
If successfully, they are given a longer list until they start making errors (usually around 7-8)