Chapter 13- Problem Solving and Intelligence Flashcards
Savant Syndrome/ Autistic Savants:
- Someone with a mental disability shows remarkable talent
* i.e. ability to recreate a city skyline from memory after a 30 minute ride over the city
Problem Solving:
Have a goal in mind, trying to figure out how to reach that goal
Search Process:
Problem solving as though you are navigating through a maze, seeking a path to your goal
Problem Space:
• Set of all states that can be reached in solving a problem
Looking through entire problem space would take too long, need problem solving heuristic
Hill-Climbing Strategy:
• Every time you have a choice, choose the option that moves you in the direction of your goal
• Want to climb uphill, every time there is a fork in the road, pick the one that takes you uphill
Problems arise when you actually need to move away from your goal to reach it
Means-End Analysis:
Compare current state to goal state, determine how you can make the two states more alike
Problem Solving with Pictures:
Often helpful to translate a problem into a mental image
Problem Solving via Analogy:
• Often, problems resemble problems encountered in the past, can rely on past experience to solve current problem
• Use of analogies is rare, only benefit if they are instructed to use the past problem
• i.e. if trying to solve a problem about tumours, people think back about what they know about tumours instead of thinking about what other problems are similar to the one they are trying to solve now
Understanding a problem’s underlying structure improves problem solving
• Breaking up a problem into smaller problems
i.e. memorizing chess piece positions, experts would remember groups of pieces based tactics (attacking pieces, defending pieces..etc)
Ill Defined Goals:
• No clear statements about how the goal should be characterized or what operations might be used to reach that goal
• i.e. Saving money for college
Helpful to create subgoals or add extra constraints to try to solve ill defined goals
Functional Fixedness:
• Tendency to be rigid in how one thinks about an object’s function
i.e. Failure to consider pliers as a weight rather than just for pulling/squeezing
• Also known as a problem solving set
• Collection of beliefs and assumptions a person makes about a problem
Once you figure out a way to solve a problem, solve similar problems the same way even if there is a more direct route
Prerequisites of Creativity:
• Knowledge and skill of a particular domain (i.e. chemistry)
• Willingness to take risks
• Willingness to ignore criticism
• Ability to tolerate ambiguous findings or situations
• Inclination not to “follow the crowd”
• Motivated by pleasure of their work rather than external rewards
Right place at the right time
○ Gathers info about problem
Effortful work with little progress
○ Sets problem aside (works on it subconsciously)
○ Allowing mind to wander increases likelihood that more and potentially unorthodox ideas will be activated
Allows for problem set to change