Chapter 6 Flashcards
Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system
Carrying oxygen to the tissue cells
Structures that keep the atrioventricular valves from flipping back into atria
Chordae tendineae
What is a short term for neutrophils
What’s a normal platelet count
An infection of the lining of the heart is
What keeps the blood moving through the venous system
Skeletal muscle movement and valves
Layers of arteries differ from the veins in that
Muscle layer is thicker in arteries
Which vein is found only in or below the AC fossa
Which blood cell can pass through blood vessel walls
Tunica adventitia is
The external layer of a blood vessel
Which blood vessels are listed in proper direction of blood flow
Arteries, arterioles, capillaries
A whole blood specimen consists of
Plasma and formed elements
The liquid portion of clotted blood is called
The first response in the hemostatic process is
Systolic pressure means pressure during
Ventricular contraction
Two nerves lay close to this vein
Which type of cell destroys pathogens by phagocytosis
The extrinsic or contact activation coagulation pathway is initiated by
Tissue factor released from injured tissue
Lymphoid tissue is also found in the
Which is an anuclear biconcave disk
A woman who becomes sensitive to the RH factor
Can produce antibodies against the Rh antigen
It’s preferable to perform stat chemistry tests in plasma because
Can be tested much sooner
This ion is essential to the coagulation process
Which is a coagulation test
Pro time