Chapter 6 Flashcards
As the police agencies matured, four generally accepted accounting practices became enshrined as the key measure to evaluate police performance. These include: (4)
- reported crime rates
- overall arrests
- clearance rates
- response time
Even when the police are notified of crimes, these flaws in the reporting system make the rates suspect.
- changes in reporting procedures
- complications
- manipulations
Sensational media reporting and an attempt by political leaders to appease a fearful public have created new crimes. What “new” crimes have they created?
- stalking
2. carjacking
Three times when police action can influence crime:
- police can prevent crime from happening
- intervention during the crime
- efforts after the crime can solve it
Four things that are designed to compliment the use of motor patrol as the primary tactics in the traditional police model of fighting crime.
- special units
- high-tech gadgets
- sophisticated lab analysis
- investigative follow-up
Kansas City Preventive Patrol Study
Victimization studies showed the proactive approach made no discernible impact on the number of: (5-crimes)-the kind of crime considered to be most susceptible to deterrence through preventive motor patrol.
- burglaries
- auto thefts
- larcenies involving auto accessories
- robberies
- vandalism
The Kansas City study showed that response time was unrelated to the probability of making an arrest or locating a witness for serious crime. Success or failure depended less on how fast the officer arrived more on:
How quickly the citizen reported the crime
A national study of response times showed that approximately ______% of serious crimes were cold when the citizens notified the police.
Citizen delays in calling the police are attributable to: (6)
- apathy
- skepticism about the police’s ability to do anything, and
- citizens notifying other persons before calling the police
- Shame over victimization
- Trauma following a victimization
- fear of the police
It seems citizens wait this long before calling the police in about one-half of the serious crimes that are reported.
at least 5 minutes
Research confirms that rapid response let to response-related arrest for Part 1 crimes in only ________% of calls.
This study of the criminal investigation process cast serious doubt on one of the basic planks in the traditional crime control model.
Rand Study
Rand Study
On investigative effectiveness: Differences in investigative training, staffing, workload, and procedures appear to have no appreciable effect on: (3)
- crime
- arrest
- clearance rates
Rand Study
On the use of investigator’s time: What amount of all serious reported crimes receive no more that superficial attention from investigators.
Substantially more than one-half
An investigator’s time is largely consumed on these activities on cases that experience shows will not be solved. What is there time spent on?
- reviewing reports
- documenting files
- attempting to locate and interview victims