Chapter 6 Flashcards
Who are the religious officials who manage public and private sacrifices and interpret religious customs and ceremonies?
The second class of prominent citizens is known as…
A description of this religious practice, which the Romans would have found utterly barbaric. What is this practice?
Human sacrifice
The Gauls worship Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, and Minerva. The god they worship most of all, however, is…
The Gauls believe that they are all descended from one supernatural father -Dis, which is another name for the Roman god…
militiae vacationem omniumque rerum habent immunitatem.
In the line above, the phrase “omniumque rerum” is dependent upon which word?
The phrase “sua sponte” is translated…
Itaque annos non nulli xx in disciplina permanent.
The grammatical explanation for "annos" is… A. Time within which B. Duration of time C. Direct object D. Accusative within numerals
Neque fas esse existimant ea litteris mandare, cum in reliquis fere rebus…
In the line above, “cum” is translated…
Id mihi duabus de causis instituisse videntur, quod neque in vulgum disciplinam efferi velint neque eos qui discunt…
In the line above, eos refers to… A. The letters B. The students C. The teachers D. The training
“metu mortis neglecto” is an ablative…
A. of cause
B. of means
C. of manner
D. absolute
Hi, cum est usus atque aliquod bellum incidit
In the line above, "aliquod" is translated… A. some B. which C. anyone at all D. whichever
Alii immani magnitudine simulacra habent, quorum contexta viminibus membra vivis hominibus complent
In the line above, the antecedent of quorum is… A. magnitudine B. contexta C. simulacra D. membra
… quibus succensis circumventi flamma exanimantur homines.
In the line above, circumventi modifies… A. homines B. flamma C. succensis D. exanimantur
… etiam ad innocentium supplicia descendunt
In the line above, the object of the preposition ad is…
A. supplicia
B. innocentium
C. descendunt