Chapter 6 Flashcards
Republican Problem
The question of how the benefits of self-government can be enjoyed without incurring its inherent problems
Constitutional Structure
The nature and arrangement of mechanisms in a constitution that organize the government
Constitutional Drift
When power in the government does not remain where it was originally placed
Defensive alliance among sovereign equals
Articles of Confederation
Document outlining an alliance of sovereign equal states in which there was weak central governing Continental Congress
State sovereignty
When ultimate political power resides in the state rather than the federal government
Gouverneur Morris
Pennsylvania representative at the Constitutional Convention, Morris is credited with authoring large sections of the Constitution, including the Preamble
Charles Pinckney
South Carolina representative at the Constitutional Convention, Pinckney was a strong promoter of Federalism and helped persuade ratification of the Constitution in SC
George Mason
Virginia representative at the Constitutional Convention, Mason refused to sign the Constitution because it did not contain a declaration of rights
Virginia Plan
Plan presented during the Constitutional Convention in which each state would have proportional representation in the Congress
New Jersey Plan
Plan presented during the Constitutional Convention in which each state would have equal representation in the Congress
William Patterson
New Jersey representative at the Constitutional Convention who presented the New Jersey Plan, which gave equal representation to states regardless of size or population
The Great Compromise
Proposed by Roger Sherman, it brought together the New Jersey and Virginia Plans by having the upper congressional house representation equal by state and the lower house representation proportional by population
Roger Sherman
Connecticut delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Sherman proposed the Great Compromise of one legislative house having proportional representation while the other had equal representation
Popular sovereignty
The idea that the power is created by and subject to the will of the people. It was the basis for Madison’s proportional representation in Congress and a justification by the South for the continuance of slavery
Benjamin Franklin
one of the most well-known Founders, Franklin was also a leading printer, scientist, inventor, and diplomat. He helped secure France as an ally during the Revolutionary War.
Dividing powers between the national and states governments
Three-fifths compromise
Part of the compromise on slavery, where 3 out of 5 slaves were counted as part of state population for taxation and representation
Auxiliary precautions
structure in the government to make it more difficult for power to become concentrated in any one group’s hands, seen by the founders as a backup system to virtue. Madison talks about this in Federalist 51.
Constitutional mechanism
Parts of the Constitution that help organize and control power
Hume’s filter or filters of consent
When the people select the most virtuous representatives, who in turn select even more virtuous government officials
Separation of Powers
Dividing powers of government between the three branches
James Wilson
A primary framer of the Constitution, Wilson proposed the three-fifths compromise for slave representation and election of the President by the people. He was also key in Pennsylvania’s ratification of the Constitution
Checks and Balances
Bridging the separation of powers between branches of the government by placing part of each power within two separate branches
A group of individuals who share the same specific political agendas
A force, influence, or weight that counterbalances another, e.g., the roles of prosecutor and defense attorney in a trial.
John Adams
1735-1826 Founding Father and proponent of a bicameral legislature, Adams served as the second President of the United States
Bicameral Legislature
A legislature in which there are two separate divisions or houses
James Madison
Fourth President of the United States and Founding Father, madison is often called the “Father of the Constitution.” He co-authored The Federalist with hamilton and Jay, and helped Jefferson create the democratic- Republican Party.