chapter 6 Flashcards
Condition occurring when a joint muscle cannot shorten enough to cause full range of motion at both joints it crosses at the same time
active insufficiency
Role played by a muscle acting to cause a movement
Role played by a muscle acting to slow or stop a movement
Describing a contraction involving shortening of a muscle
muscle property enabling tension development by stimulated muscle fibers
contractile component
Describing a contraction involving lengthening of a muscle
Time between the arrival of a neural stimulus and tension development by the muscle
electromechanical delay
A fiber that reaches peak tension relatively quickly
fast-twitch fiber
Describing a contraction involving no change in muscle length
a single motor neuron and all fibers it innervates
motor unit
electric current or voltage produced by a muscle developing tension
myoelectric activity
role played by a muscle acting to eliminate an unwanted action produced by an agonist
passive elastic property of muscle derived from the muscle membranes
parallel elastic component
pattern of fibers within a muscle in which the fibers are roughly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the muscle
parallel fiber arrangement
inability of a two-joint muscle to stretch enough to allow full range of motion at both joints at the same time
passive insufficiency
pattern of fibers within a muscle with short fibers attaching to one or more tendons
pennate fiber arrangement
passive elastic property of muscle derived from the tendons
series elastic component
a fiber that reaches peak tension relatively slowly
slow-twitch fiber
role played by a muscle acting to stabilized a body part against some other force
eccentric contraction followed immediately by concentric contraction
stretch shortening cycle
building in an additive fashion
state of muscle producing sustained maximal tension resulting from repetitive simulation
devices that detect signals