Chapter 6 Flashcards
body composition
relative amounts of fat and fat free mass in the body
weight above the recommended level for health
excessive amount of fat in the body, typically above 25% for men and 35% for women
essential fat
body fat that is necessary for physiological functioning. 3% in men, 12% in women
storage fat
excess fat reserves stored in the body’s adipose tissue
adipose tissue
tissue where fat is stored in the body
visceral fat
fat stored in the abdomen and around the organs
subcutaneous fat
fat stored just beneath the skin
android pattern
pattern of fat distribution caracterized by fat stored in the abdominal region: more common in men
gynoid pattern
pattern of fat distribution characterized by fat stored in the hips and thighs: more common in women
creeping obesity
slow increase in body weight and percentage of body fat over several years
metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels
Body mass index (BMI)
ratio of body weight (kg) divided by the height squared (m2) used to determine whether a person is at a healthy body weight: BMI is related to the percentage body fat
skinfold test
field test used to estimate body composition: representative samples of subcutaneous fat are measured using calipers to estimate the overall level of body fat
waist to hip ratio
a ratio of the waist and hip circumferences used to determine the risk for disease associated with the android pattern of obesity
dual energy X-ray absorptionmetry (DXA)
technique for assessing body composition using a low radiation x-ray: it is typically used in research for clinical settings and is considered a gold standard measure
hydrostatic weighting
method of determining body composition that involves weighing an individual on land and in a tank of water
air displacement
technique used to assess body composition by estimating body volume based on air displaced when a person sits in a chamber
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
method of assessing body composition by running a low-level electrical current through the body
T/F: An overweight person can be fit
T/F: over half of the U.S. adult population is overweight or obese
T/F: BMI is the best way to estimate body composition
Moderate weight loss in an obese person can reduce the risk for heart disease or diabetes
being underweight can increase the rist for certain health problems
Two types of storage fat
Visceral fat, subcutaneous fat
Healthy percentages of body fat in young men and woman(20-39)
men 8-19%, women (21-32%)
Recommended percentages of body fat in young men and women (20-39)
men 12-15%, 21-25% women
Athletes may have body fat percentages in these ranges
men 5-13%, woemn 12-22%
T/F: Where you carry body fat matters just as much as body fat percentage
Which fat storage area of the body leads to a greater risk of heart disease
waist area
Percentages of over weight adults and children in the U.S.
adults 34%, children 17%
Obesity directly contributes to this percentage of deaths in the U.S.
Percentage of health care costs associated with obesity, and dollar amount
10%, $147 billion dollars per year
Percentage of Americans that are obese or overweight
How much weight does the average college student gain in their first year of college
4-15 lbs
Obesity increases the risk of developing at least this many diseasese
Obesity increases the risk of heart attack by this percent
Number of people effected by diabetes
18 million
What percentage of people with type 2 diabetes are obese,
When does the ricks increase for getting type 2 diabetes
after age 45
decreased insulin sensitivity
common with type 2 diabetes, tied to the bodies reduced ability to transport glucose from the blood to the cells
What percentage of weight loss can reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes
T/F: Tables are the best way to predict if someone is overweight
Healthy BMI for men and women
< 25 kg/m^2 is healthy, > 30 kg/m^2 is unhealthy
Is BMI the best way to predict obesity
No, a heavily muscled adult may have a high BMI, but actually have low body fat
Key factory that may affect the relationship between BMI and body fat percentage
This percentage of body fat is subcutaneous
> 50%
Most common method of assessing body fat in fitness centers
bioelectrical impedance analysis
Advantages of bioelectrical impedance analysis
widely available, low cost, and limited time requirement
disadvantages of bioelectrical impedance analysis
may not be accurate for your sex, age, and over all level of fatness
Three common assesments of body compossition
BMI, skinfold test, waist to hip ratio
Factors that should be used in determining the optimal healthy body weight
level of body fat for your age, height, and sex
T/F: Ideal weight can be easily calculated if you know your percentage of body fat
T/F: You shouldn’t get regular body composition assessments when trying to gain or lose weight
T/F: Assessments should be made with the same procedure as the original assessment