Chapter 6 Flashcards
- True or False? Rectus capitis anterior is easy to palpate
- Which muscle name means “temple”?
- Which of the following muscles is one of the largest and most superficial muscles in the neck?
- True or False? The rectus capitis posterior major is one of the four muscles that make up the suboccipital group
True or False? Obliquus capitis inferior is one of four muscles that make up the suboccipital group
- Which muscles work together to laterally flex and stabilize the head and neck?
Medial pterygoid attached to which bone?
Which of the following actions is performed by the semispinalis?
Holds the head upright against gravity
True or False? Obliquus capitis superior retracts the mandible
True or False? Rectus capitis postior minor extends the head
- Which of the following muscles is very small and deep in the anterior neck?
Rectus capitis anterior
Which of the following muscles is part of the paravertebral group, which helps stabilize the anterior neck and keep the head from falling back?
Longus capitis
- which of the following muscle names may be roughly translated as “long neck”?
Longus colli
- the suprahyoid muscles perform which of the following functions?
Elevate the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage during swallowing
Which of the following muscles depresses the mandible and descends from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the hyoid bone posteriorly?
- Platysma functions primarily in which of the following ways?
Facial expressions of stress or anger
Which muscle depresses and protracts the mandible and moves it laterally, assisting in chewing?
Lateral pterygoid
- Which of the following muscles is large and broad, making it more effective prime mover for extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of the head and neck?
Splenius capitis
Which four muscles are the infrhyoid muscles?
Sternohyoid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid
- Which muscle , pound for pound, is the strongest muscle in the body and generates most of the force for biting and chewing?