Chapter 5 Flashcards
Which muscle extends the index finger and allows it to function independently from the other three fingers?
Extensor indicis
Which of the following is a centrally located wrist flexor and cannot abduct or adduct the wrist?
Palmaris longus
*Which of the following muscles flexes the elbow, attached to the ulna, and cannot rotate the forearm?
Which muscle works with pronator teres to pronate the forearm?
Pronator quadratus
True or False? Extensor digiti minimi extends the thumb
“Smallest finger extender”
*Which muscle reverses the action of pronator teres and is used in throwing a curve ball in baseball?
True or False? Extensor pollicis brevis works synergistically with extensor pollicis longus
*Strong contraction of which of the following muscles is required to turn a screwdriver?
Pronator teres
True or False? When contracted, abductor pollicis longus pulls the thumb away from the palm of the hand
*True or False? Extensor pollicis longus flexes the thumb and is used when grasping objects
True or False? Performing resisted Range of motion helps establish the health and function of the dynamic stabilizers and prime movers in the elbow forearm, wrist, and hand
which muscle is the most medial of the forearm extensors?
Extensor carpi ulnaris
*Which of the following muscles flexes the elbow and pronates and supinates the forearm?
*Which muscle extends the wrist and creates the subtle “flicking”action used in throwing a frisbee?
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Which of the following is the most lateral of the three superficial wrist flexors and also radially deviates the wrist?
Flexor carpi radialis
*Overuse of extensor carpi radialis longus can result in irritation of the lateral epicondyle, this condition is known as which of the following?
Tennis Elbow
Besides flexing the wrist,flexor carpi ulnaris also performs which of the following actions?
Ulnarly deviates wrist
*Which of the following muscles flexes the thumb?
Flexor pollicis longus
*Which of the following muscles has a name that roughly means “finger or toe bender near the surface”?
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Which of the following muscles assists triceps brachii in extending the elbow?