Chapter 6 Flashcards
3 bases in DNA that encode an amino acid
Structure of cells where genes are found
Material of chromosomes of organisms are composed (PROTEIN, DNA, RNA)
Two threadlike strands are where chromosome divides join together at centromere
Microtubules of spindle attach in cell division
Alleles (ə-lēlz′)
Genes that are located at the same level or locus in
the two chromosomes of a pair and that determine the same
functions or characteristics.
Amino acid (ə-me′no as′id)
An organic compound containing an
amino group NH2; amino acids are the main component of
Autosomes (aw′to-sōmz) (adjective, autosomal)
chromosomes, which are identical for men and women.
Barr body (bahr bod′e)
Condensed chromatin of the inactivated X
chromosome, which is found at the periphery of the nucleus of
cells in women.
Carrier (kar′e-ər)
In genetics, a heterozygous individual who is
clinically normal but who can transmit a recessive trait or
characteristic; also, a person who is homozygous for an
autosomal-dominant condition with low penetrance.
the frequency with which a heritable trait is exhibited by individuals carrying the gene or genes that determine the trait
the entire physical, biochemical, and physiologic makeup of an individual; genotype is the genetic composition and phenotype is its observable appearance
teeth develop but do not erupt
trait or characteristic that shows clinically when a double gene dose (homozygous) exists in autosomal chromosomes or a single gene dose exists in males if the trait is X linked
Ribonucleic acid
single strands of polynucleotides found in all cells; different types of RNA have different functions in the production of proteins by the cell
cytoplastic organelles in which proteins are formed on the basis of the genetic code provided by RNA
process of formation of spermatozoa
set of signs or symptoms occurring together that would describe one condition
genetic, heterogenous condition in which molar teeth with dominant and recessive inheritance patterns characterized by enlarged pulp chambers, apical displacement of pulpal floor and no constriction at the level of the cemento-enamel junction.
pair of chromosomes with an identical extra chromosome
haploid male gamete cell; the product of meiosis in male germ cells
Gene sequence
The sequence of nucleotides ad-
enine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G) that
encodes a particular polypeptide.