Chapter 3 Immunity & Immunologic Oral Lesions Flashcards
Dissolution of the intercellular bridges of the prickle cell layer of the epithelium.
Acquired immune response
An immune response to a foreign substance based on the specific memory of a past exposure to that same foreign substance.
Serum sickness
A classic example of type III
hypersensitivity that involves a drug allergy to antitoxin serum
from horses.
T-cell lymphocyte
A lymphocyte that matures in the thymus and is
mainly responsible for initiating cell-mediated immunity as
well as modulating humoral immunity.
Nikolsky sign
Diagnostic sign whereby the superficial
epithelium separates easily from the basal layer on exertion of
firm, sliding manual pressure with the fingers or a tongue
Natural killer cell
Type of lymphocyte that is part of the initial
innate immune response, which by unknown mechanisms is
able to directly destroy cells recognized as foreign
Passive immunity
Type of immunity that uses antibodies produced
by another person to protect an individual against infectious
disease, which includes both natural and acquired.
Plasma cell
The cell derived from B-cell lymphocytes that produces antibodies in response to the presence of antigen
Cell-mediated immunity
an immunity in which the major role is played by T-cell lymphocytes
A protein molecule or immuno globin that is secreted by plasma cells and reacts with a specific antigen, includes five classes IgA IgD IgE IgG and IgM
An anti-body that reacts against tissue constituent of one’s own body
Auto immune disease
An immunopelogic condition characterized by tissue trauma caused by an immune response against tissue constituents of ones own body
Humoral Immunity
An immunity in which both the B-cell lymphocytes and the antibodies produce as plasma cells play a predominant role.
An immunopathologic condition that involves a compromised or entirely absent immune system involving its white blood cells and their products.
Protein molecule secreted by plasma cells and reacts with specific antigens
Antibody that reacts against one’s own tissue