Chapter 6 Flashcards
what is IDEA
establishes requirement for
must include services to
establishes requirement for an IFSP for children in birth to 3 age range that must include services to maximize development of the child but also to optimize family’s capacity to address the child’s special needs
Describe the IFSP.
focuses on
plan for
includes info on
child within context of family
comprehensive services to support the child’s development
resources, priorities, and concerns for the child’s development
required elements of IFSP:
1) info about
2) statement of
3) statement of major
4) statement of specific
5) a list of
6) projected
7) name and ?
8) plan for
child’s present level of physical cognitive emotional communicative and adaptive development
family’s resources priorities and concerns
outcomes expected to be achieved for child and family and criteria procedures and timelines used to determine progress and whether modifications needed
early intervention services necessary to achieve specified outcomes
other services
dates for initiation of services as soon as possible after IFSP meeting and anticipated duration
discipline of the service coordinator who will be responsible for implementation and coordination
transition to preschool
Discuss comm. strategies that can be used in family-centered practice
being inclusive of
caregivers as significant partners in assessment
culturally sensitive procedures
naturalistic observations of play
Discuss the methods for improving feeding skills in a 6 month old baby: start with vary start with - minimize avoid identify present improve chewing with sit below ?
single consistency food
texture gradually
unheated food
tap lip or tongue to alert child to bite
spoon to teeth/jaw stimulation to decrease bite reflex
constant face wiping
preferred tastes
a bite of new or seldom-eaten food between bites of favorite food
crunchy food
baby’s eye level (controls head flexion)
what could be done to enhance vocal production during the first year of life for a baby showing poor vocal skills: encourage involve use encourage reward encourage parents to
vocalization - both talk and babble
siblings and others
rattles, games, mirror to engage in back and forth babbling game
baby talk register - high pitched, exaggerated intonation, simple words
infant vocalization with touch,smile,attention
engage in higher than normal levels of back and forth babbling
How can SLP work to coordinate services for infants and their families: serve as ?
put all into
remind mother
coordinator and parent advocate
info fam receives about child and put into perspective
baby needs to be loved and played with
discuss the three areas in which SLP can work to enhance parent-infant comm.
make parents and other caregivers aware of ?
- don’t
- although infant participates in structuring interaction - has very little choice about how to interact, parents need to?
- comm. must be
provide ?
- 3 things
- anticipatory sets: expectations that actions that have been repeated often for the baby will?
help the parents develop ?
-use of
normal comm. patterns of infants and how to tune in to baby’s comm. capacities
- blame parents
- adapt
- enriching and responsive
instruction and modeling of adult-infant comm.
- turn-takin, imitation, joint attention, developing anticipatory sets
- take turns, imitate, point thins out, set the stage
- occur in part. sequence so baby gets ready to observe them for when part of sequence is enacted (peek-a-boo)
self-monitoring skills
-video recording
To what cultural issues must SLP be sensitive in teaching baby games to parents?
- whether they are
- recall which are
- greatest effective value for parents so
culturally appropriate
- traditionally used
- more engaging
how do the infant’s comm. needs change in the last quarter of the first year of life ?
move from being?
what stage
need interaction that both
participants in interactions to being intentional comm. - learn how to mean
illocutionary: express intentions through signals but not conventional language
enhance their growing understanding of functions and meaning of comm.
Discuss the term upping the ante: how does it apply for prelinguistic infant?
-up the ante require more ?
technique parents normally use to elicit ?
helping parents of infants in this stage to demonstrate
amply ?
initiation of comm. and more conventional forms of comm. behavior from child
- higher level of response from child, once a response of some kind has been evoked
- contingent relations between words and actions
reward any gesture or vocalization ysed as a comm. signal
prelinguistic milieu teaching
how and when should comm. temptations be used?
involve creating situations in which the child is ?
increases ?
focus not on form -
strongly motivated to try to get a message across to adult and then responding swiftly and positively when child does attempt to comm.
freq. of comm. in at risk children with using intentional behavior and seeing its pos. results
any gesture or vocal. that is clearly intended to send a message receives a response
how is lang. comprehension fostered in prelinguistic infant: baby use intensified ? providing
games - pair words with gestures and referents
-input using motherese - developing comprehension skills, encouraging vocalization, making adult comm. contingent on what child does
responsive atmosphere and range of models
what parent training programs are available for the SLP to use in fostering parent-infant comm.
how can maladaptive forms of comm. be addressed
provide clients with more ?
acceptable means of expressing their intentions - positive behavioral support
differential reinforcement of other behavior - systematically paying attention to more acceptable behaviors
how can we find out whether a client is ready to move from illocutionary to verbal comm.:
search for ?
nonconventional forms of comm.: echolalia aggressive/self abusive behavior touching or manipulating others bodily orientation generalized mtvs/ change in muscle tone
Describe PECS and talk about clients for whom it might be appropriate
-primary aim is
-avoid ?
-presented with ? when receives picture she ?
-enhancing ? discriminating? acquiring other ?
teaching functional comm. initiations
- prompts - get them to comm. spontaneously
- desired object and picture/ exchanges for cookie/ proceed through backward chaining until client hands picture spontaneously
spontaneity, among symbols, functions of comm. beyond requesting
school aged min. verbal clients with ASD
discuss methods of helping clients with prelinguistic comm. repair comm. breakdowns:
1) ID situations in which ?
2) select
3) select new forms that are
4) teach new forms by
5) encourage
6) monitor
breakdowns occur and function of comm. behavior
2) 2 new forms of repairs as replacement
3) wide application and more efficient than existing repair
4) replicating natural situations of breakdown
5) social partners to be responsive to new forms
6) use of new repair forms
discuss several approaches to comm. intervention that are appropriate specifically for prelinguistic children with ASD: ABA: applied behavioral analysis: -functional analysis: -task analysis: -selection and systematic implementation of -discrete - -... play -coaching of
objective assessment of the antecedents and consequences of behaviors to be elicited or eliminated - removes triggers
- goals targeted by functional analysis broken down into most fundamental steps
- effective reinforcers: identify what serves as a reward to manage maladaptive behavior and elicit good behavior
naturalistic, hybrid, ABA approaches
facilitative play
social interactions with typical peers
what are pivotal skills for comm. development in prelinguistic children with ASD:
foundations include:
-accomplished through
what and what
symbolic play, nonverbal comm.
-gestures and vocalizations with coordinated gaze
joint attention and imitation