Chapter 3 Flashcards
What are the three basic purposes of intervention?
give an example of a client for whom each would be used
change/eliminate underlying problem, rendering child normal language learner
changing the disorder
teach compensatory strategies, not specific language behaviors
- young child with brain injury - neural plasticity may lead to language learning proceeding normally again
- autistic child
- child with word finding prob. - teach strategies to aid recall
Discuss difference between short and long term goals:
- basic goals: areas selected because of
- intermediate: greater
- specific:
importance of functionality - long term
- specificity within basic goal
- form, content, use - steps along the way include things child uses correctly (shortly)
Define and give examples of ZPD:
-distance between?
child’s current level of independent functioning and potential level of performance
goal of production of plural morpheme is performed at 80% correct, this is within child’s current knowledge base; at 40% this may be within the ZPD
What criteria are used to decide which goals identified in the assessment will be targeted in the intervention program?
communicate ? ensure the child is? choose targets that fall within? choose forms that are ? taught through ?
effectiveness = target behaviors that will increase a child’s ability to comm.; choose skills that readily accomplish goals as highest priority
doing only one new thing at a time
phonological abilities of the client
more teachable
Name the 3 basic approaches to intervention:
Client directed approach = clinician specifies all aspects of intervention - less naturalistic; Drill, drill play, modeling
Child Centered approach: (indirect lang. stimulation) from child’s point of view just play and conversation; no tangible R+; follow child’s lead, only feedback; using self-talk/parallel talk
ex: imitations, expansions, extensions, buildups and breakdowns, recast sentences
Hybrid approach: target small set of specific lang. goals; clinician maintains some control in selecting activities by tempting child; using ling. stimuli to respond and model forms being targeted; using focused stim, vertical structuring. milieu comm. training, script therapy
why is it suggested that intervention focus on selecting production as a target response rather than comprehension:
behaviorists stress that production is the first step in language learning and to learn the behavior must be reinforced and to be reinforced it must be produced
Role of perceptual salience in determining linguistic stimuli to be used in intervention:
may help young listener direct attention to auditory signal and highlight segments containing most salient info
-intonational highlighting helps get children to produce new structures (therapeutic register)
role of pragmatic appropriateness:
without providing a ? we have the client
context for an elliptical sentence in response; produce the whole sentence as a response
what is meant by a continuum of naturalness in intervention?
extent to which settings and activities in intervention resemble real life outside clinic room
Discuss the considerations involved in determining the modality of language for the client to use:
consider choice of symbols
consider choice of interface
consider ease, accuracy, efficiency with which client can use the sys.
consider the client’s comm. partners
describe and give examples of both extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcement
extrinsic: R+ that do not contribute to interaction itself/outside of interactive frame (sticker, token)
intrinsic: R+ that is part of interactive frame - naturalistic social reward (give object that was requested)
Describe five activities for promoting generalization of plural forms:
- use many
- use
- make
- intermittent
- introducing?
sequential modification (practice in diff. settings)
treatment materials similar to things used in natural environ.
/ delayed R+ (fading out)
distracter items (semantically relevant but not direct targets)
Discuss use of technology in lang. intervention:
as a ?
as a ?
- context in treatment: computer games function as a topic of conversation
- word processor to facilitate development of written language skills - talking word processors can also provide auditory feedback that helps clients develop sense of audience and id grammatical errors
Name and define four models of contexts for language interventions
clinical = pull out; students pulled out of classroom to private clinic room
consultative: determines intervention targets/procedures/contexts but there is another agent of intervention so that SLP does not relate directly to client SLPA, classroom teacher or parent
language based-classroom: slp is a classroom teacher for a group of students with language disorders (resource room)
collaborative: SLP works with a student within mainstream classroom collaborating with classroom teacher
Discuss criteria you would use for evaluating new technique to decide whether it is evidence based
- formulate clinical question: PICO
- use internal evidence
- find external research evidence base
- grade studies according to levels of evidence
- integrate internal and external evidence
- the decision multiple times documenting outcome
define termination criteria and discuss guidelines suggested in text:
1) comm. is within
2) all
3) client’s comm. is
4) indiv. speech/language skills ?
5) indiv. AAC use has ?
6) the client has attained ?
criterion used to decide when goal has been achieved
1) normal limits
2) goals.obj. have been met
3) comparable to those of same peer group
4) no longer adversely affecting social/emo/edu status
5) achieved optimal comm. across partners setting
6) desired level of comm. skills
describe how to implement multiple baseline study of lang. intervention:
1) ID several ?
2) gather ?
3) institute
4) evaluate the child’s
- if target and generalization goals show ? then ?
intervention objectives based on assess. data (setting control goals, generalization goals and target goals)
baseline data on the target, generalization and control goals so we know that baseline data is a reliable reflection of child’s ordinary use of the form
3) intervention for the target, but not control/generalization goals
4) use of the target and control goals
- sig. increase over baseline, whereas control goals remain unchanged, then our intervention has made the difference in client’s target form
Why is it important to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention:
by demonstrating this facilitate the effect of intervention, we can ensure that time and money spent on intervention were worthwhile
How can functional use of comm. be evaluated?
functional comm. measures
- pretreatment FCM and use as a baseline for determining extent of functional changes that have occurred
role playing, narrative, structured peer interaction, natural observation in real settings
define and discuss levels of prevention identified by ASHA:
primary: elimination/inhibition of onset and development of disorder by altering susceptibility and reducing exposure
secondary: early detection and treatment to eliminate
tertiary: intervention used to reduce a disability attempting to restore function
Compare and contrast the meaning of incidence and prevalence:
rate of new occurrences of a condition in a pop. free of the disorder within a specified time period
total rate/proportion of cases in a pop. at or during a specified period of time
what kinds of primary prevention efforts are appropriate appropriate for SLPs
proper health and medical care, public education, genetic counseling, mass screening, government action, environmental quality control and elimination of poverty
what is the role of SLP in secondary prevention
prevention of comm. disorders
early identification and treatment efforts
research programs to identify risk factors and preventative intervention methods