Chapter 52: Infertility Flashcards
Advanced Maternal Age
a patient who will be 35 or older at the time of delivery
First trimester testing combined with ultrasound between 11 and 14 wks is…
looking for biochemical markers associated with plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free BhCG3. These lab values are used in conjunction with an ultrasound to measure the nuchal translucency
Second trimester screening can be performed with
the maternal serum quad screen lab value and targeted ultrasound exam
A targeted detailed evaluation of all fetal anatomy that can be seen between
18 and 20 wks
Hydrops Fetalis
a condition in which excessive fluid accumulates within the fetal body cavities
Excessive fluid accumulation may result in
anasarca, ascities, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, placenta edema or polyhydramnios
Any substance that elicits an immunologic response, such as production of anitbody to that substance
is an anitgen
Sonograhpic findings for Hydrops
scalp edema, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, ascities, polyhydramnios and thickened placenta
A procedure in which a needle is placed into the fetal umbilical vein and a blood sample is obtained is
Infants with thrombocytopenia are at increased risk for
intracerebral hemorrhage in utero and spontaneous bleeding
A group of conditions in which hydrops is present in the fetus but is not a result of fetomaternal blood group incompatibility is
non-immune hydrops
Cardiovascular lesions are often the most frequent causes of
NIH (non-immune hydrops)
congestive heart failure may result from
functional cardiac problems: dysrhythmias, tachycardias, myocarditis and from structural anomalies, such as hypoplastic left heart and other types of congenital heart disease
if glucose levels are high and uncontrolled
the fetus may become marcosomic
If delivery of a marcosomic infant is attempted vaginally, the physician may have difficulty delivering the shoulders of the baby after the head has delivered is termed..
shoulder dystocia
Anomalies associated with diabetes include
congenital heart and neural tube defects
The most common cardiac problems in the diabetic fetus include
transposition of the great arteries and tetralogy of fallot
What is seen almost exclusively in diabetic individuals?
caudal regression syndrome (lack of development of caudal spine and cord)