Chapter 50 - General Anesthetics Flashcards
Class: Inhalation Anesthetic
Isoflurane (be familiar)
Use: Blocks the perception of pain
AE: Cardiovascular and respiratory depression, airway irritation, spasms in susceptible patients, vomiting, rare possibility of immune-mediated hepatotoxicity
-Delivered as a gas to the lungs
-Produces amnesia, skeletal muscle relaxation, and hypnosis
Class: IV Anesthetic
Propofol (be familiar)
MOA: Blocks the perception of pain
Use: Renders a patient unconscious in a fast and safe manner; used extensively for ambulatory surgery and diagnostic procedures
-Produces amnesia, euphoria, and hypnosis
-Does not provide analgesia
-Most widely used IV anesthetic
Class: Neuromuscular blocking agent
MOA: Temporarily suspends nerve impulse at the neuromuscular junction (paralyzing)
- Can be titrated to produce weakness through comlete paralysis
- Non-depolarizing agent = Interrupt nerve transmission by not allowing neurotransmitters to cause contraction of muscle (bad part, it also effects diaphragm so must intubate/ventilate patient) - makes muscles weak or completely paralyzes patient