Chapter 5: What Do Infants Know and When and How Do They Know It? Flashcards
In research with infants, observing the amount of time infants spend looking at different visual stimuli to determine which one they prefer (look at more often); such as preferences indicate an ability to discriminate between stimuli
Visual Preference Paradigm
Decrease in the response to a stimulus that has been presented repeatedly
The tendency to show renewed interest in a stimulus when some features of it have been changed
The process of adjusting the lens of the eye to focus on objects at different distances
Accommodation (of the lens)
The ability to follow a moving object with one’s eyes
Visual Tracking
The ability of both eyes to focus together on the same object, which is necessary for depth perception
Binocular Convergence
The ability to see something sharply and clearly
Visual Acuity
The ability to discriminate visual patterns denoting depth
Depth Perception
Information about depth of objects associated with the movement of objects we are watching
Kinetic Cues
The ability to integrate the images provided by each eye into a single, richer one
Stereoscopic (or binocular) vision
Cues used to understand visual perspective; such as cues permit the perception of three dimensions from a two-dimensional target, as in a picture or a painting
Monocular (or pictorial) cues
The tendency of young infants ( 1 month olds) to direct their attention primarily to the outside of a figure and to spend little time inspecting internal features
Externality effect
Individual sounds that are used to make up words
The ability to associate and interconnect information provided by different senses about a certain experience
Intermodel perception
Based on habituation/dishabituation procedures, techniques in which increases in infants’ looking time at impossible events are interpreted as reflecting a violation of what they are expected to see