Chapter 5 Ventricular Arrhythmias Flashcards
A run of ‘X” or more VPC is termed ventricular tachycardia.
What is paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia?
Very short period of Vtach.
Whats the difference between non-sustained and sustained ventricular tachycardia?
Non-sustained last less than 30sec. Sustained last more than 30sec.
Dr. Her hear normal heart sounds but thinks his patient is in Vtach. Dr. Henriksson says that if the heart sounds normal that the dog can not be in Vtach. Who is right?
Dr. Her (of course, always). A dog in Vtach can auscultate normal. Irregularity will be heard if there is an interruption or break.
What is the difference between ventricular escape and VPC?
Same ting. Just timing that is different. VPC is “premature”, ventricular escape beat comes after a pause.
What is the difference between ventricular escape and VPC?
Same ting. Just timing that is different. VPC is “premature”, ventricular escape beat comes after a pause.
What is an interpolated VPC?
A VPC in between two normal complexes without disturbing the underlying sinus rhythm.
Ventricular trigeminy is: Three VPC in a row OR one VPC every third beat?
One VPC every third beat. Three VPC in a row is called tripplets.
What is it called when a VPC is so premature that is depolarize before the ventricles completely has repolarized.
R on T
What is a fusion beat?
Its when a VPC and a normal beat occur at the same time. The QRS is much smaller compared to normal VPC
What does the heart sound like when in Vfib?
No heart sounds
Whats the difference of ventricular escape rhythms and ventricular tachycardia?
The rate! Ventricular escape rhythm is a series of escape beats (when the ventricle does not get an impulse from the atrium). Ventricular escape rhythm is SLOW 30-40/min (Vtach is >180/min). Ventricular escape rhythm is usually seen with severe bradyarrhythmias.
Whats another name for ventricular escape rhythm?
Idioventricular rhythm.
How to you treat ventricular escape rhythms?
They should not be treated. Without them the animal would die. Direct treatment towards the underlying reason for the bradycardia.
What is accelerated idioventricular rhythm
- Slow Vtach
- There are two competing rhythms present – the underlying sinus rhythm and the enhanced ventricular ectopic rhythm – which are often at similar rates.
- Benign arrhythmia. Usually does not need treatment
- Does not cause hypotension
- Faster than idioventricular (escape rhythm) but slower than Vtach. >40/min <180/min
- Usually goes away if the animal is stimulated
- Usually monomorphic morphology
Which one usually has a fast vs slow onset, AIVR or Vtach?
Vtach usually has a fast onset. AIVR usually starts gradually with a few fusion beats.