Chapter 5: The Excretory System Flashcards
Deamination definition
The process that separates nitrogen containing amine group from the rest of the amino acid
The role of the human kidney
Part of the amino acid is broken down and used for energy, the other is converted into ammonia which is toxic for cells
They remove nitrogenous wastes such as urea from blood, salts and excess water are also removed from the blood and excreted as urine
Removes excess water, waste and other substances from your blood
Return substances such as potassium, sodium or phosphorus when the body is running low
A tiny blood vessel of capillary where the actual filtering of blood occurs
The proximal tubule
A tiny tube where wastes, extra fluid and other recyclable substances like sodium and potassium filtered by the glomerulus pass through
Why do kidneys measure out chemicals?
To regulate the amount of them in your body allowing you to function properly
Loop of Henle
U-shaped portion of the tubule that conducts the urine within each nephron of the kidney
What is the principle function of the loop of henle?
The recovery of sodium chloride and water from urine which decreases the amount of water intake necessary for survival
A way of artificially cleaning the blood
When your blood is circulated through a dialysis machine to clean your blood
Uses the peritoneal membrane in your abdomen to filter blood allowing cleaning to occur inside the body