Chapter 5: The Ethical Family Flashcards
Yorkshire joke: A son’s ethical inadequacy is revealed: Mother, you’ve worked hard for me all your life, now…. Go out and work for thy ….
Shows how offsprings see reciprocity as an …..
Meeting obligations to children no longer corresponded to equivalent obligations of adult offspring towards …. ….
aged parents
In place of the family, the new ethics put the self;
Before: in place of esteem from meeting …;
After: the new ethics put esteem from …..
The liberation started with technology-aided sex i.e. contraceptives, abortion, equality of males and females at universities - improvement in match making led to abolishment of gender …. and mutual obligations to the other generations.
Now mutual encouragement to self-fulfilment through … …..
personal achievement
In the astute lines of Larkin, sexual intercourse began/ in ….. …. ….
nineteen sixty three
The author grew up with twelve aunts and uncles within five miles of my home; his children are growing up with none.
The extended ethical family gave way to the …. …. ….
Nuclear dynastic family
Options for the lower class and unwanted children:
- A …. wedding is a wedding which is arranged in order to avoid embarrassment due to premarital sex which can possibly lead to an unintended pregnancy
Options for the lower class and unwanted children:
- Mother and unwanted baby continue to live with her …..
Options for the lower class and unwanted children:
- New model of individual fulfilment of some educated women, branch out as single mothers and let …. state offer financial support and social housing.
Options for the lower class and unwanted children:
- …. … doesn’t last- average 14 months
Single parents in well educated families reverted to very low levels - ….. obligations restored.
Drawback of paternalistic state: Paying people to care for children can supplement paternal care, but not substitute for …..
What asset is being passed down the generations of successful families without being dissipated?
…. … - Norms and narrative of the belief system that shapes behaviour induced by the head of the family.
Family culture
Contains those attributes those conducive to success.
The utilitarian concern about the ‘poor of the world’ and denial of responsibility for family was less of a moral awakening than the easy pleasure of moral posturing.
Dickens skewered such attitudes through the character of Mrs Jellyby, in …. ..
Bleak House
Distinguished psychologist, Martin Seligman, has found that: if you want well-being, you will not get it if you only care about ……… Close personal relationships are not everything in life, but they are central.
Freedom is not found in servitude to the …, but in escape from the …..
self x2
The replacement of the ethical family by the entitled individual is revealed to be more … than …..