Chapter 4: The Ethical Firm Flashcards
…. is the constraint that forces discipline on a firm, rather than defining its ….
Who propounded the nostrum that the sole purpose of a firm is to make profit?
Milton Friedman
Between “the primary purpose of business should be to make ….” versus “Making a profit should be only one …… , - three to one to the former.
Our societies have fractured from national based identities to skill based identities.
A microcosm of this process is that the peer group of the CEO has shifted from being with the fellow …. in his company to being with fellow ….. in other companies
…..-…. performance in companies incentivised by highly geared pay.
Hence why CEOs pay increase ten fold compares to workers - tied to indicators of ….-…. performances
Short term x2
If a CEO has to drive up quarterly profits, how can it be done? Option 1 is build a company like Johnson v Johnson, with good, trusting …… between the firm and its workers, its suppliers and its customers. Pays off but takes a … ….
Long time
If a CEO has to drive up quarterly profits, how can it be done? Option 2 is to cut all expenditures that are not essential for ….
Sounds good as should lead to efficiency but since past CEOs will have already cut the fat, the largest remaining category of expenditure that can be cut most easily without rapidly affecting production is ….
Will eventually hit output.
Investment rate of companies whose shares are …. is 2.7%, that of those whose shares are ….. held is 9%.
In UK, corporate investment in research and development is far below the average for advanced economies.
UK and USA
If a CEO has to drive up quarterly profits, how can it be done? Option 3 is not to waste time on any real decisions about ….. or ….., but to rearrange the company’s accounts
No established rules as to how accounts are drawn up- enables profit to be increased, decreased or shifted from one subsidiary to another.
Scam becomes uncovered - Enron, Robert Maxwell of Mirror Group, and Philip Green of BHS. Each striped their companies of the …. fund, leaving thousands of employees impoverished
production or investment
Public policy has gone wrong due to antiquated ideologies:
Ideology of the right assert faith in ‘…. ….’ and denigrates all policy intervention. Its solution is ‘get the government off the back of business: ….!’
the market
Public policy has gone wrong due to antiquated ideologies:
Ideology of the left denigrates …. and condemns the managers of firms and funds as ….. Solution is state control of companies.
Companies called …. are owned by a trust run in the interests of its workforce. Reflecting this, workers receive a substantial share of profits as an annual bonus.
The same percentage is paid to a shop-floor worker as to the …..
All have a say in how the company is run through a series of local, regional and national councils, electing 80% of the company’s governing council.
John Lewis is an example of a mutual company, owned collectively by people with a …. …. in it, such as workers, or customers, as opposed to shareholders.
direct interest
One fatal temptation of companies with mutuals is those in ownership and control are legally entitled to …. the company from its mutual status to a one whose owners have shares that can be sold on financial markets.
In Britain, the scope of demutualisation was created by a change in 1986, underpinning the previous law had been social norms that recognised such a move as …..
Won’t work to tackle unethical firms:
- Regulation
Forget asymmetrical information between managers of company and fund manager, worry about asymmetrical information between these companies and the …
Regulation can only go so far due to election cycles, incentive to re-invest profits, government desire to receive high auction bids etc.
- Public ownership
A company’s habitat is the …. … and its struggle for survival is ….
Market place
The enemy of competition is …. … through lobbying or state control.
vested interests
Economies of scale means using more resources to increase ….
Too much will lead to what diseconomies of scale - lower. ….
Ironically, the left want nationalised industries, but not a sense of …..; the right wants a sense of ….., but not nationalised industries.
nationhood x 2
Might tackle ethical firms:
- Taxation - Differential tax rates depending on …. of companies. Taxing …. …
- Representing the public interest on company boards by … to make due consideration of the public interest mandatory for all board ….
i. e. large public losses were being inflicted for small corporate benefit - Worker firm cooperation
- Policing the public interest
economic rent
No banking executive went to jail as their behaviour that caused the crises was not deliberately intended to to ruin the company. However, need a law similar to recklessness e.g. motorist recklessly killing passenger leading to manslaughter.
Called ….