Chapter 5 Solar Thermal: Basics COPY Flashcards
Primary energy demand is increasing continuously during last 50 years, how does it look like in the next years?
- In OECD countries stagnation is observed
- China and India are the emerging markets with the largest increase
- In the near future steady increase is projected
Worldwide the energy content is going to reach 18 bio toe
1 toe = 41.87 GJ
Energy content of a coal wagon: 2790 GJ
There are two types of solar thermal power plants?
- Using concentrated incident solar radiation on an absorber (CSP – Concentrated Solar Power)
- Without using concentrated solar radiation
Explain what a photon is and give some of its properties
Photon (derived from Greek: phōs - “Light”) is an elementary excitation of the quantized electromagnetic field
It exhibits properties of both waves and particles —> Wave-particle duality
Photons are massless –> m = 0 kg
Photons move at the speed of light –> In vacuum this is 𝑐0 ≈ 300 000 Km/s
How does frequency and wavelength relate to each other?
Give also the relationship between energy and the freq of a photon!
All wavelengths have the same propagation speed, 𝑐0 in vacuum so
𝑐0 = lambda * f
Planck’s constant describes the relationship between energy and frequency of a photon
Energy of an photon: 𝐸 = ℎ ⋅ 𝑓
Planck’s constant ℎ = 6.636 × 10−34 𝐽𝑠
–> The shorter the wavelength (or higher the frequency), the greater is the Energy of the photon
Give the spectral range and name few of its ray types!

What are the four interactions between electromagnetic wave and a material?
- Absorption
- Reflection
- Transmission
- Emission
The darker the body:
- The higher is the degree of absorption alpha ?
- The lower the degree of absorption alpha ?
- The higher is the degree of absorption alpha
The emissivity for perfect mirrors is equal to ?
Complete the following table

State Planck’s Law and explain what does it state!
Planck’s law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T.
- The wavelength of maximum intensity decreases with increasing temperature
- The higher the temperature, the higher is this maximum intensity

What did Stefan-Boltzmann law add to the Plancks Law?
The law specifies the thermal power emitted by an ideal black body as a function of its temperature
So for a non black body: we add to the equation the emissivity variable €(T)