Chapter 3 How are photovoltaic systems made? Flashcards
Photovoltaic Device Fundamentals ?
1) Charge Generation:
Light gives electrons enough energy to escape from their valence band to the conduction band
2) Charge Separation :
the fact that we put a N-type next to the P-type, we induce an electric field that allows for a potential to build up within this PN region that acts as a barrier stopping the charges ( + / - ) .
3) charge collection :
Electrons are freed by Photon energy in the edges of the N region , a short circuit is applied from N regions to P regions , electrons go through that , depositing their excess energy into an external load rejoining then the P region looking for a hole to fill
I Generation
Bulk Crystalline
Silicon , advantages and disadvantages ?
• High efficiency 15-20 %
• High stability
• State of the art
• Rigid / inflexible
• Require lot of energy in production
From Silica to metallurgical Grade Silicon ?
Carbothermic reduction: SiO2
s) + 2C(s) = Si(l) +2CO(g
From metallurgical Grade Silicon to Solar Grade Silicon ?
Siemens Process ,
1 kg SG – Si by the Siemens Process: 4,4 kg MG Si are needed.
• 19 kg CO2 are emitted through that process
* consumes energy : 176 kWh / kg
From SG Si to Monocrystalline Ingot ?
different methods , but principle remains the same , heating the SG Si by induction and then process to immediate cooling
Wafer to Solar Cell
1-Saw damage removal 2-Texture etching 3-p-n junction formation 4-Antireflection coating 5-Metallization (contact printing) 6-Firing of contacts
Generation III organic modules ? pros and cons
Pros :
• Low materials consumption
*Band gap tunable ( further explanation on the slides )
Cons :
Low efficiency
• Degradation under UV
Generation II : thin film solar cells pros and cons ?
pros :
• Flexible modules – versatile utilization
-Engineering of light spectrum to harvest
Cons :
Lower efficiencies
Scarce elements sometimes used
Generation II Cadmium Telluride pros and cons :
pros :
Most economical thin film
technology currently available
• long-term stability
Cons : Tellurium – questionable abundance • Cadmium is very very toxic – questionable marketability