Chapter 5: Sensation And Perception Flashcards
Grapheme colour synesthesia?
Seeing colour in relation to letters/numbers
Sensation vs perception?
Sensation - using sensory systems to detect stimuli
Perception - recognition of a stimulus
Olfactory vs somatosensory vs gustatory systems
Smell, touch, taste
What is sensory transduction and absolute threshold?
Transduction - converting sensory info into impulses
Absolute threshold - smallest stimulus we can detect
What are difference threshold and signal detection theory?
Difference threshold - minimal change needed to notice
Signal detection theory - responses depend on individuals and on response criteria
Sensory adaptation
Constant stimulus can desensitize us so that we only take in important info (ie wake when a baby cries but not when there’s a storm)
Bottom- up vs Top-down processing
Bottom-up: raw data used to build perception
Top-down: old info used to interpret new data
What is perceptual set?
Readiness to interpret in certain ways
Where do smell impulses get sent? (3)
Olfactory bulb, amygdala, hippocampus
What are papillae and tastebuds?
Papillae - tongue bumps, contain tastebuds
Tastebuds - taste receptor cells
How do we taste? (4 steps)
Chemicals dissolve in saliva -> fall between papillae -> taste buds make impulse -> impulse goes to thalamus and cerebral cortex
smell and taste disorders:
reflex epilepsy
anosmia - no smell
ageusia - no taste
hyposmia - reduced smell
reflex epilepsy - seizure from specific smell
migraines - sometimes triggered by smell
Free nerve endings? Function? Location?
Near surface, not specialized, simple structure, convert physical stimulation into touch related impulses
Location and function of Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel’s disks
Corps - hairless areas (fingers, lips, palms), light touch
Discs - near surface, light-moderate touch
Location and function of Ruffini’s organs and Pacinian corpuscles
Organs - deep, heavy pressure + joint movement
Pacinian - deep, vibrations and heavy pressure