Chapter 5: Schedules of Reinforcement Flashcards
The effects of contingencies of reinforcement extend over species, reinforcement, and behavior.
Assumption of generality
The characteristic pattern of response seen on a cumulative record produced by a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement.
Break and run
The highest ratio value completed on a progressive ratio (PR) schedule of reinforcement
A schedule of reinforcement in which each response produces reinforcement.
Continuous schedule of reinforcement (CRF)
A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response after a fixed amount of time has passed is reinforced.
Fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement (FI)
A schedule of reinforcement in which a reinforcer is delivered after a fixed number of responses.
Fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement (FR)
A schedule of reinforcement in which some rather than all responses are reinforced (e.g., FI, FR, VI, VT schedules of reinforcement).
Intermittent reinforcement schedule
The time between any two reinforcers.
Interreinforcement interval (IRI)
The time between any two responses.
Interresponse time (IRT)
Schedules of reinforcement based on the passage of time.
Interval schedules
A contingency where the reinforcer is available for a set time after an interval schedule has timed out.
Limited hold
Accounts of schedule performance that are concerned with large-scale factors that regulate responding over a long period of time.
Molar account (of schedule performance)
Accounts of schedule performance that are concerned with moment-to-moment relationships between behavior and its consequences.
Molecular account (of schedule performance)
The pause in responding that occurs after reinforcement on some intermittent schedules (e.g., FR, FI).
Postreinforcement pause (PRP)
A schedule of reinforcement in which the number of responses increases after each reinforcer is delivered.
Progressive ratio schedule
A schedule of reinforcement in which delivery of reinforcers is based on the number of responses.
Ratio schedule
A disruption of responding that occurs when a ratio schedule is increased rapidly.
Ratio strain
After a period of reinforcement, the increase in rate of response and/or behavioral variability during extinction.
The characteristic pattern of response seen on a cumulative record produced by a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement.
Schedule controlled behavior that is stable and does not change over time.
Steady-state performance
The instability of behavior generated by a change in contingencies of reinforcement.
Transition state performance
A schedule of reinforcement in which one response is reinforced after a variable amount of time has passed.
Variable interval schedule of reinforcement (VI)
A schedule of reinforcement in which a reinforcer is delivered after an average number of responses.
Variable ratio (VR)