Chapter 5 - Rome And China Flashcards
Two senior Roman judges; executive authority when consuls were away
Leading council of Roman Republic; about 300 men served for life
Centuriate assembly
Chief popular assembly; passed laws and elected chief magistrates
Council of the plebs
Council only for plebeians
Land owners who became ruling class
Class of nonpatrician landowners, craftspeople, merchants, small farmers; no equal rights
Tribunes of the plebs
Roman officials who were given power to protect plebeians against arrest by patrician magistrates (494 BC)
Large aristocratic estates
Official granted unlimited power to run the state, usually 6 months
Praetorian guard
Military unit that served as personal bodyguards to Roman emperors
Pax Romana
Roman peace
Good emperors
Five emperors who ruled from 96-180 (Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius)
Natural law
Set of universal laws based on reason
State Confucianism
Integration of Confucian doctrine with Legalist institutions
Civil service examination
System of electing bureaucrats on merit by Tang dynasty; contributed to efficient government, upward mobility, cultural uniformity
Chief executive officers of Roman Republic; two were chosen to administer government and lead army in battle