Chapter 5 Questions Flashcards
What is a NI?
NI= Network Interface which is the physical and electrical boundary between the inside wiring and the telecommunications network. (Pg. 58)
What must you provide for outside circuits?
All such circuits that run out of doors (even if only partially) must be provided with circuit protectors (surge or voltage suppressors). (Pg. 60)
From what material must ground conductors be made?
Ground conductors for communications circuits must be copper or some other corrosion-resistant material. (Pg. 61)
What copper wire gauge is the minimum used for telephone wires?
Ground conductors may be no smaller than No. 14 (pg. 61)
What should one be careful of when drilling into a wall, floor, or ceiling?
If drilling through walls, floors, or ceilings, be careful to avoid contacts with concealed hazards, such as electric wiring, gas pipes, steam or hot water pipes, and so on. (#19 pg. 67)