Chapter 5 part 2 Flashcards
leader or teacher of a new faith, including the twelve disciples of Jesus
most influential of the apostles in spreading Christianity
person who suffers or is killed for his or beliefs
emperor who issued the Edict of Milan, granting freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire
people who were allowed to conduct Christian services
high Church official responsible for everyone in his diocese
bishop of one of the most important cities, who exercised authority over other bishops in his area
bishop of Rome who claimed authority over all other bishops
belief contrary to official Church teaching
leading early Church scholar who combined Christian doctrine with Greco-Roman learning
What is a statement that describes Rome’s attitude toward religion?
Rome mostly tolerated the varied religious traditions of its people
Most of what we know of Jesus comes from the Gospels. What are the Gospels?
the first four books of the New Testament
What is true about Jesus of Nazareth?
His teachings were rooted in Jewish tradition
What are the main ideas of Jesus’ message?
The main ideas are God so loved the world that he gave his only beloved son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
What did a person have to do to join the early Christian community?
be baptized, or blessed with holy water
What is Theodosius best known for?
making Christianity the official religion of the empire
What factors enabled Christianity to spread throughout the Roman Empire?
- Written in a common language
- Roads throughout Roman Empire
- Paul and his teaching to Gentiles
a foreign soldier who served for pay rather than out of loyalty
emperor who split the Roman empire in two parts in an attempt to restore order
a rapid rise in prices
Constantine’s “New Rome,” which became the center of power for the Eastern empire
nomadic people from central Asia who set off a chain of invasions of the Roman empire
savior sent by God