Chapter 5 Limits Study Guide Flashcards
Any time an operational limit is exceeded, an appropriate entry shall be made on DA FORM __________________. Entry will state what limit or limits were exceeded, range, time beyond limit and any additional data that would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance action that may be required.
DA FORM 2408-13-1
The minimum crew required to fly the helicopter is a ___________________________________.
pilot and a copilot
The minimum crew required for maintenance ground runs {engine(s) running} is a ______________ _______ ___________ occupying the ______ station. A __________ ___________ may be authorized to occupy the CPG station during ground maintenance at the discretion of the_________________.
Maintenance Test Pilot /
PLT’s /
technical observer /
LIMITS- Nr (%) Digital Readouts
___________ Maximum (__ ____ _________)
___________ Transient (___________)
___________ High rotor warning annunciated
___________ Normal (__________)
___________ Low rotor warning annunciated
___________ Transient (__________)
110 Maximum (>110 red)
105-110 Transient (yellow)
105 High rotor warning annunciated
97-104 Normal (green)
96.5 Low rotor warning annunciated
0-96 Transient (red)
NOTE It is normal for oil pressure to be high during first start when oil is cold. Oil pressure should return to formal limits after ___ ___________ of operation at idle. Do not accelerate above ground idle until oil pressure can be held at or below maximum limit throughout the acceleration.
5 minutes
___________ Maximum (______________________)
___________ Normal (____________)
___________ Minimum (____________)
120 Maximum (>120 red w/box)
23-120 Normal (green)
23 Minimum (<23 red)
___________ Transient- permitted for __________
___________ Transient- permitted for __________
___________ Normal (__________)
___________ Minimum (___________________)
> 3410 Transient- permitted for 5 sec (yellow)
(≥ 5 sec red w/box)
3310-3400 Transient- permitted for 5 min (yellow)
(≥ 5 min red w/box)
2700-3300 Normal (green)
1260 Minimum (<1260 red w/box)
WARNING: Once the EMERG HYD button is pressed on, it must remain on. Flight control inputs and elevated G loading must be kept to a minimum. Aircrew will not be able to move the flight controls when the Accumulator (ACC) Hydraulic Pressure drops below approximately ________ ______.
1650 PSI
Engine Starter Limitations:
The Air Turbine Starter (ATS) is capable of making the number of consecutive start cycles listed below, when exposed to the environmental conditions specified, with a interval of at least ___ ___________ between the completion of one cycle and the beginning of the next cycle. A starting cycle is the interval from start initiation and acceleration of the output driveshaft, from ______ rpm, to ________ _______________. The ____________ delay between start attempts applies whe the first attempt is aborted for any reason and it applies regardless of the duration of the first attempt. If motoring is required for and emergency, the ___________ delay does not apply.
60 seconds / zero /
starter dropout /
60 second / 60 second.
Engine Starts at Ambient Temperatures of _______________ and below. _____ consecutive start cycles may be made, followed by a ___ __________ rest period, followed by _____ additional consecutive start cycles. A ____ __________ rest period is then required before any additional starts.
61* F (16* C) / Two /
3 minute / two /
30 minute
Engine Starts at Ambient Temperatures above ______________. __________ consecutive start cycles may be made. A _____ ___________ rest period is then required before any additional starts.
61* F (16* C) /
Two /
30 minute
Dual Engine Starts. Dual engine starts are _____________ due to insufficient ________ ______.
prohibited /
IPAS air.
Note: Each engine incorporates a TGT limiter control which limits engine operation according to the following indicated TGT value:
Dual Engine: __________
Single Engine: __________
Duel Engine: 879 ± 5* C
Single Engine: 903 ± 5* C
LIMITS- 701D TGT (*C) Digital Readouts
________ Maximum (___________)
________ Transient ___________ (___________)
________ Contingency, __________ (__________)
________ Max rated power _______________ (_________)
________ Maximum during start
________ Intermediate rated power, _______ (_________)
________ Maximum continuous power
________ Normal (__________)
949 Maximum (>949 red)
904-949 Transient 12 sec (yellow)
880-903 Contingency, 2.5 min (yellow)
847-879 Max rated power 10 min (yellow)
851 Maximum during start
794-846 Intermediate rated power, 30 min (yellow)
793 Maximum continuous power
0-793 Normal (green)
Note: It is not abnormal to observe a Np split between ENG1 and ENG2 during autorotational descent when the engines are fully decoupled from the transmission. An increase from ______ to______ is possible.
100% to 105%
Note: Maximum Np vertical tape indication is ______.
LIMITS- ENG1 OR 2 Np (%) Digital Readouts
_________ Maximum (___________________)
_________ Engine overspeed annunciated
_________ Transient, _________
(______________ _______________)
_________ Normal (__________)
119 Maximum (>119 red w/box)
114 Engine overspeed annunciated
104-119 Transient, 12 sec
(yellow, w/box at 114)
0-103 Normal (green)
LIMITS- ENG1 OR 2 Ng (%) Digital Readouts
__________ Maximum (_____________)
__________ Transient ____________ (___________)
__________ Normal (___________)
__________ Minimum engine out warning
annunciated (____________________)
106.0 Maximum (>106.0 red)
105.1-106.0 Transient 12 sec (yellow)
63.1-105.0 Normal (green)
63.0 Minimum engine out warning
annunciated (<63.0 red w/box)
LIMITS- TORQUE (%) Digital Readouts with NR < 50%
_____ Maximum (_____________)
_____ Normal (__________)
30 Maximum (>30 red)
0-30 Normal (green)
LIMITS- TORQUE (%) Digital Readouts with NR < 90%
_______ Maximum (____________)
_______ Normal (__________)
70 Maximum (>70 red)
0-70 Normal (green)
LIMITS- TORQUE (%) Digital Readouts - DE
_______ Maximum (_____________)
_______ Transient ________(___________)
_______ Normal (___________)
115 Maximum (>115 red)
101-115 Transient 6 sec (yellow)
0-100 Normal (green)
LIMITS- TORQUE (%) Digital Readouts - SE
_____ Maximum (_____________)
_____ Transient ___________ (___________)
_____ Single engine contingency______ (_______)
_____ Single engine MCP (___________)
_____ Normal (__________)
125 Maximum (>125 red)
121-125 Transient 6 sec (yellow)
111-120 Single engine contingency 2.5 min (yellow)
110 Single engine MCP (green)
0-110 Normal (green)
CAUTION: Avoid prolonged operation at _____ -______ NR with the APU running. The APU clutch will oscillate from __________ to __________. This creates high loads on the clutch and shall be avoided.
94%-96% NR /
engaged to disengaged.
a. APU operation is ___________ during normal flight. After a fault or aborted start, wait ___ _______ after APU has stopped before attempting another start. After ___ consecutive start attempts, wait ____ ___________ before a third start attempt. No more than ___ start attempts are permitted in ___ _________.
prohibited / 30 seconds /
2 / 20 minutes /
3 / 1 hour.
b. During prolonged ground operations greater than ___ ________, observe XMSN TEMP 1 and XMSN TEMP 2 on the SYS page. If the temperatures exceed _____*C, the APU shall be shut down and the transmission fluid allowed to cool for ____ __________ prior to resuming APU ground operations; or transmission fluid may be cooled by operating an engine with rotor turning.
30 minutes /
140*C /
30 minutes.
Max gross weight ________________
Non Tactical ferry flights _______________
20,260 pounds
23,000 pounds
Autorotation: Maximum airspeed for autorotation is ___________. Above ___________, drag on the rotor system will cause NR to decay rapidly.
145 KTAS / 145 KTAS
Single engine operation, greater of:
1. _____% of ______ determined from figure 5-12 using the _________ _________ line. If above this, a successful autorotation may not be possible due to rapid NR decay.
2. The airspeed for minimum power determined from the applicable chapter 7 cruise charts using the _____________________________ lines.
67% of Vne / GROSS WEIGHT /
During Manual stabilator Operations:
-Based on stabilator position, the stabilator position and nominal airspeed restrictions are displayed on the _____, ______ ______ and ______ pages, as described in paragraph 2-47 d.
Maximum Rearward and Sideward airspeed is _________ for all gross weights due to the possibility of loss of tail rotor effectiveness.
Maximum airspeed for searchlight extension. The searchlight is designed for operation (extend/retract/rotate) at airspeeds up to __________. However, if movement operation is not attempted, the lighthead can be left in any extended position at speeds up to Vne.
NOTE: Flight with RCEFS is authorized up to _______.
Maximum airspeed for CEFS installed in any configuration is ____________.
Vne / 130 KTAS
Maximum Airspeed for Stores Jettison. Jettison of external armament stores is not authorized except for emergency situations and then only from unaccelerated flight during:
1. Maximum airspeed for stores jettison is ___________
2. _________ to __________ (___________________, if possible)
3. _________ to __________ (___________________, if possible)
130 KTAS /
Hover to 45 KTAS / minimize side slip /
45 KTAS to 130 KTAS / ball centered
External Tanks Jettison. Jettison of external fuel tanks is not authorized except for emergency conditions. Every effort should be made to jettison the tanks from _________, _________ ________ at airspeeds less than __________.
trimmed, level flight / 100 KTAS
Flight below 3,500 ft Density Altitude. For flights below 3,500 ft density altitude, do not exceed ________________________________ for flight at 3,500 ft Density altitude per figure ____-____.
maximum allowable load factor / 5-13
Airspeed Limits for Aircraft Operating at 9,000 ft DA and Greater. Altitude and aircraft gross weight shall be limited to figure 5-11.
1. Level Flight Restriction. Aircraft shall maintain a minimum of __________ and shall not exceed a maximum of _________. This limitation does not apply to MTF Max power checks.
2. Maneuvering Flight. Aircraft shall maintain a minimum of _________ and shall not exceed a maximum of __________.
3. Takeoff and landings. Takeoff and landings are authorized to transit below the minimum airspeed for level and maneuvering flight .
40 KTAS / 130 KTAS /
57 KTAS / 108 KTAS
WARNING: Extended maneuvering flight below _____ and / or high sideslip angles with nose low altitudes with low fuel can result in the fuel pickup in the fuel cell ingesting nitrogen instead of fuel. This can result in momentary loss of power or engine flameout.
0 G
CAUTION: Maneuvering flight requiring large abrupt collective, pitch, roll or yaw inputs at airspeeds below _______ should be avoided.
-Performing aggressive aircraft maneuvers may cause oil leaks past the engine #3 bearing seal which could result in high oil consumption.
- During training these maneuvers shall not be flown with less than _____ pounds of fuel remaining in each fuel cell.
For normal load factors, refer to Figure 5-13. Intentional maneuvers beyond attitudes of _____ in pitch or ______ in roll are prohibited.
±60* / ±120*
Excessive Tail Rotor Scissors Loads. Avoid aggressive directional and lateral control inputs greater than ______________ when conducting combat maneuvers requiring a left turn.
1 inch/second
Excessive Tail Rotor Loads. Avoid large _______ _______ inputs in arresting right hovering/low speed yawing turns greater than _____ per ______. This is to prevent excessive tail rotor drive system loads.
pedal step / 60* per second
Flight with the canopy open is _____________, except for __________________________.
prohibited /
smoke/flume elimination
-Slope landing ground stability data is not available for asymmetric configurations. Potential for aircraft rollover during ground taxi or ground maneuvering is unknown and may be critical during adverse wind conditions. Caution should be exercised in known or forecast winds or wind gusts over _____ kts.
-Slope landing data is not available for asymmetric configurations. Slope landings which produce roll attitudes of ______________ shall be avoided.
25 kts / 5 degrees
LANDING LIMITS. Do not complete a landing on terrain which produces a pitch attitude change from a hover greater than _____ nose up or _____ nose down; or a roll attitude greater than ____. Data is not available beyond these limits at gross weights above _________.
7* / 10* /
10* / 17,650
1. CEFS are restricted to a ______ limit
2. External tanks shall be in the _______ _______ position (___ nose-up) with respect to the ___________(__).
3. Single CEFS tank installations are _______________.
2 G /
Flight Stow / 4* / waterline (WL) /
not authorized
1. RCEFS are restricted to the ________ G limits as the aircraft.
2. External Tanks shall be in the _______ _______ position (___ nose-up) with respect to the __________(__).
same /
flight stow / 4* / waterline (WL)
Flight into ________ or _________ __________ turbulence or into _________ __________ turbulence is prohibited.
known / forecast extreme / known severe
Intentional flight into _________ or __________ __________ icing conditions is prohibited. Flight in ________ or ________ icing is __________ only as a _________ condition. If icing is encountered the crew will attempt to exit the condition _____________________________.
known or forecast moderate /
light or trace / authorized / transient /
as soon as practicable
Flight into Instrument Meteorological Conditions. The aircraft is __________ for IMC flight.
Rotor limitations. Start and Stop limits. Maximum wind velocity for rotor start or stop is _____ knots to prevent _______ _______ damage.
45 / droop stop
Force trim will not be turned off except in a ___________ or ___________ _______ mode.
failed / partial failed
__________ Normal operation (__________)
__________ Minimum (___________________)
25-100 Normal operation (green)
25 Minimum (<25 Red w/box)
________ Normal operation (_________)
________ Maximum (__________________)
0-134 Normal operation
(<134 green)
134 Maximum
(>134 red w/box)
_______ Norm (___________)
_______ Min (____________________)
25-100 Normal operation
25 Minimum
(<25 red w/box)
_______ Norm (_________)
_______ Max (______________)
32-141 Normal operation
(<141 green)
141 Maximum
(>141 RD w/box)