CHAPTER 5: Klein: Object Relations Theory Flashcards
believed that infants begin life with an inherited predisposition to reduce the anxiety that they experience as a consequence of the clash between the life instinct and the death instinct.
Psychic Life of the Infant
very young infants possess an active, unconscious fantasy life. Their most basic fantasies are images of the “good” breast and the “bad” breast.
(parents’ face, hands,
breast, penis, etc.), which she saw as having a life of their own within the
child’s fantasy world.
ways of dealing with both internal and external objects.
The struggles that infants experience with the good breast and the bad breast
Paranoid-Schizoid Position
a tendency to see the world as having both destructive and omnipotent qualities.
Paranoid-Schizoid Position
Klein meant the anxiety that infants experience around 6 months of age over losing their mother and yet, at the same time, wanting to destroy her.
Depressive Position
infants fantasize that they have made up for their previous transgressions against their mother and also realize that their mother will not abandon them.
Depressive Position
According to Klein, children adopt various psychic defense mechanisms to protect their ego against anxiety aroused by their own destructive fantasies.
Psychic Defense Mechanisms
the fantasy of taking into one’s own body the images that one has of an external object, especially the mother’s breast. Infants usually introject good objects as a protection against anxiety, but they also introject bad objects in order to gain control of them.
The fantasy that one’s own feelings and impulses reside within another person
is called projection. Children project both good and bad images, especially onto
their parents.
Infants tolerate good and bad aspects of themselves and of external objects
-mentally keeping apart, incompatible images.
the psychic defense mechanism whereby infants split off unacceptable parts of themselves, project them onto another object, and finally introject them in an altered form.
Projective Identification
Margaret Mahler’s View
normal autism
normal symbiosis
from about 4 months until about 3 years, a time when children are becoming psychologically separated from their mothers and achieving individuation, or a sense of personal identity.
covers the first 3 to 4 weeks of life, a time when infants satisfy their needs within the all-powerful protective orbit of their mother’s care.
normal autism
when infants behave as if they and their mother were an omnipotent, symbiotic unit.
normal symbiosis
___________emphasized the development of the self. In caring for their physical and psychological needs, adults treat infants as if they had a sense of self.
Heinz Kohut’
______believes that the key to understanding personality is the mother-child relationship
Otto Kernberg
three stages of separation anxiety
(1) protest, (2) apathy and despair, and (3) emotional detachment
John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
three stages of separation anxiety