Chapter 5 - English to Irish Writing Flashcards
- Do you like X?
- Yes, I like X.
- An maith X?
- Is maith X.
- Do you like music?
- Yes, I love it!
- An maith leat ceol?
- Is bréa liom é!
- Do you like music?
- No, I hate it!
- An maith leat ceol?
- Is fuath liom é!
- Do you like X?
- No, I do not like X.
- An maith X?
- Níl maith X.
- Do you like sport?
- Yes, I love it!
- An maith spórt?
- Is bréa liom é!
- Do you like sport?
- No, I hate it!
- An maith spórt?
- Is fuath liom é!
Do you like golf?
An maith leat galf?
Do you like soccer?
An maith leat sacar?
Do you like traditional music?
An maith leat ceol traidisiúnta?
I have no interest what so ever in golf!
Níl suim dá laghad agam sa ghalf!
go háirithe
On the weekends
Ag an deaireach seachtaine
in the summer
sa samrach
in the winter
sa gheimbreadh
go minic
during the week
i rith na seachtaine
Dé Luain
Dé Mairt
Dé Céadaoin
Dé hAoine
Dé Sathairn
Dé Domhnaigh
i gcónaí
now and again
anois is arís
de ghnáth
I play tennis especially on Fridays
Imrim leadóg i go háirithe Dé hAoine
I often listen to music on Tuesdays
Éstim le ceol go minic Dé Mairt
I go swimming every day in the lake during the summers
Téim ag snámh sa loch gach lá sa samradh