Chapter 2 - Irish to English Reading Flashcards
- An Spáinneach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Éireannach
- Are you Spanish? - Yes / No, I am Irish
- Is Síneach mé
I am Chinese
- Cad as duit? - Is as Luimneach dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Limerick
Tá séipéal agus ionad spóirt ann
There is a church and a sports center
Ah, níl sé go dona
no, it is bad
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónái? - Tá mé I mo chónai i gCorcaigh.
- Where do you live? - I live in Cork.
Cad as duit?
Where are you from?
Is Éireannach mé.
I am Irish
- An Sìneach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Polannach
- Are you Chinese? - Yes / No, I am Polish
- Cad as duit? - Is as Meiriceá dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from America.
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Fhionlainn dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Finland.
Tá sé in aice le Gaillimh
It is beside Galway
Tá ollscoil agus séipéal ann
There is a university and a church
- Cad as duit? - Is as an tSín dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from China
Tá ionad spóirt agus bialann ann
There is a sports center and a restaurant
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Ungáir dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Hungary.
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i gConamara
- Where do you live? - I live in Conemara
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - Cúpla míle ó Dhoire
- Where is that? - A few miles from Derry
- An bhfuil ollmhargadh ann? - Tá / Níl
- Is there a supermarket there? - Yes / No
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Ungáir mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Hungary.
Is Spáinneach mé.
I am Spanish
linn snámha
swimming pool
- Cad as duit? - Is as Sligeach dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Sligo
Is Francach mé.
I am French
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá linn snámha agus banc ann
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a swimming pool and a bank
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i mBaile Átha Cliath.
- Where do you live? - I live in Dublin
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Iodáil dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Italy.
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá óstán agus siopa ann
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a hotel and a shop
- Is Gearmannach mé
I am german
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá ollmhargadh agus teach tábhairne ann
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a supermarket and a pub
- An Francach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Spáinnneach
- Are you French? - Yes / No, I am Spanish
- Cad as duit? - Is as Eoraip dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Europe.
Cá bhfuil tú I do chónai?
Where do you live?
- Cad as duit? - Is as Rúis dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Russia.
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - I mBaile Átha Cliath
- Where is that? - In Dublin
Cé as tú?
Where are you from?
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Inis dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Ennis
- Cé as tú? - Is as Luimneach mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Limerick.
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - Gar do Luimneach
- Where is that? - Near Limerick
- Cé as tú? - Is as Danmhairg mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Denmark.
- Cad as duit? - Is as Afraic dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Africa.
- Cad as duit? - Is as Béal Feirste dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Belfast
- Cad as duit? - Is as Sasana dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from England.
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Dhoire dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Derry
faoin tuath
out in the contry(side)
- Cé as tú? - Is as Eoraip mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Europe
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Iodáil mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Italy.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Phortaingéil mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Portugal.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an tSín mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from China
- Cé as tú? - Is as Baile Átha Cliath mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Dublin
- Cad as duit? - Is as Conamara dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Connemara
oifig an Phoit
post office
- Cé as tú? - Is as Rúis mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Russia.
- Cé as tú? - Is as Afraic mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Africa.
Cá bhfuil … ?
Where is … ?
- Cé as tú? - Is as Meiriceá mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from America.
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - Gar do Port Láirge.
- Where is that? - Near Waterford
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Phortaingéil dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Portugal.
Is Iodálach mé.
I am Italian
Tá leabharlann agus caife ann
There is a library and a cafe
- Cad as duit? - Is as Danmhairg dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Denmark.
As Baile Átha Cliath
From Dublin
(Is) as an Spáinn mé.
I am from spain.
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Spaínn dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Spain.
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Ah, níl sé go dona. Tá siopa amháin agus séipéal ann.
.- Are there good facilities there? - No, it’s bad. There is one shop and a church.
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Ghearmáin dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Germany.
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá teach tábhairne agus óstán ann
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a pub and a hotel
- Cé as tú? - Is as Béal Feirste mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Belfast
- An Meiriceánach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Francach
- Are you American? - Yes / No, I am French
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Inis mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Ennis?
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá banc agus ollmhargadh ann
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a bank and a supermarket
- An Polannach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Gearmannach
- Are you Polish? - Yes / No, I am German
- Cé as tú? - Is as Sasana mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from England.
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Ghaillimh dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Galway.
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónai? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i nDoire
- Where do you live? - I live in Derry
- An Iodálach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Sasanach.
- Are you Italian? - Yes / No, I am English
Duit, daoibh
to you (singular / plural)
- An Éireannach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Iodálach.
- Are you Irish? - Yes / No, I am Italian
Tá sé cúpla míle ó Dhoire
It is a few miles from Derry
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Fhrainc dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from France.
- Cé as tú? - Is as Éire / Éireann mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Ireland.
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá oifig phoist agus linn snámha ann.
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a post office and a swimming pool.
(Is) as an Spaínn dom.
I am from Spain
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i bhFionnghlas
- Where do you live? - I live in Finnglas??
- An Gearmannach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Síneach
- Are you German? - Yes / No, I am Chinese
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Ghearmáin mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Germany.
- Cad as duit? - Is as Meiriceá ó dheas dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from South America.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Fhionlainn mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Finland.
- Cé as tú? - Is as adn tÁise mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Asia.
Tá mé i mo chónaí i Ros Láir.
I live in Ros?
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Spaínn mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Spain.
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - I gCorcaigh
- Where is that? - In Cork
- Cé as tú? - Is as Sligeach mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Sligo
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Pholainn mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Poland
teach (tithe) tábhairne
- Cad as duit? - Is as an tAistráil dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Australia
- An Sasanach tú? - Is ea / Ní hea, ach Meiriceánach
- Are you English? - Yes / No, I am American
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Ghaillimh mé
- Where are you from? - I am from Galway
- Cad as duit? - Is as an tÁise dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Asia.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an tAistráil mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Australia.
- Cé as tú? - Is as Conamara mé
- Where are you from? - I am from Connemara
- Cad as duit? - Is as Ceanada dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Canada
- Cé as tú? - Is as Corcaigh mé
- Where are you from? - I am from Cork
Is Polannach mé
I am Polish
- Cad as duit? - Is as Éire / Éireann dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Ireland.
- Cad as duit? - Is as Baile Átha Cliath dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Dublin
Is Sasanach mé.
I am English
agat / agaibh
at you (sing. / plural)
Is Meiriceánach mé
I am American
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - Cúpla míle ó Inis
- Where is that? - A few miles from Ennis
- Cé as tú? - Is as Meiriceá ó dheas mé
- Where are you from? - I am from South America.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Dhoire mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Derry
Tá bialann agus leabharlann ann
there is a restaurant and a library
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá scoil agus oifig phoist ann.
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a school and a post office
An bhfuil … ?
Is there … ?
- Cad as duit? - Is as an Pholainn dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from Poland
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i bPort Laoise.
- Where do you live? - I live in Port Laoise
cois farraige
by the sea
- An bhfuil banc ann? - Tá / Níl
- Is there a bank there? - Yes / No
- Cad as duit? - Is as Corcaigh dom
- Where are you from? - I am from Cork
Tá caife agus ollscoil ann
There is a cafe and a university
Tá mé I mo chónaí i X
I live in X
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i dTrá Li.
- Where do you live? - I live in Tralee
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - In aice le Gaillimh
- Where is that? - Beside Galway
- Cá bhfuil tú I do chónaí? - Tá mé I mo chónaí i nGallimh.
- Where do you live? - I live in Galway
- An bhfuil áiseanna maithe sa cheantar? - Tá siopaí agus scoil ann.
- Are there good facilities in the area? - Yes, there is a shops and a school.
mo / do
my, your (singular) possessive adjectives
- Cá bhfuil sé shin? - In aice le Sligeach
- Where is that? - Beside Sligo
Tá sé gar do Luimneach
It is near to Limerick
- Cad as duit? - Is as an India dom.
- Where are you from? - I am from India.
- Cé as tú? - Is as an Fhrainc mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from France
- Cé as tú? - Is as Ceanada mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from Canada.
- An bhfuil siopa(í) ann? - Tá / Níl
- Are there shop(s) there? - Yes / No
- An bhfuil scoil ann? - Tá / Níl
- Cé as tú? - Is as an India mé.
- Where are you from? - I am from India.