Chapter 5- Edward IV Flashcards
Who did Edward reward when he regained the throne?
Made Lord Hastings the Captain of Calais.
Shared Warwick’s estates between Gloucester and Clarence.
Made his stepson, Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset in 1475.
How did Edward punish Lancastrian supporters?
He only issued fines and pardons e.g. Lord Stanley
How did Edward control Wales?
He replaced William Herbert’s heir with the Council of Wales based in Ludlow.
Who formed the household at Ludlow?
Edward V was in the household run by Anthony, Earl Rivers. Most men in the household were loyal to the king, not the Woodvilles.
Who resented the Woodvilles?
The Duke of Buckingham
Was the council of Wales effective?
Lawlessness declined and Richard III formed a Council of the North during his reign.
What was Edward’s policy towards the north?
He chose his brother, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland to control the north.
What evidence is there that Edward’s conciliatory policy worked?
Percy had been restored in 1471 when he didn’t block Edward’s progress as he reclaimed the throne.
Who was the Duke of Gloucester?
The King’s brother and his lieutenant. His northern powerbase assisted him in gaining the throne in 1483.
How did Edward try to control Ireland?
He tried to impose a deputy, Lord Grey in 1478 but he returned home after facing so much resistance. If Edward was prepared to leave the Earls of Kildare in charge, then Ireland posed no threat.
Describe Edward’s domestic policy
He centred himself in the government and aimed to improve its efficiency by selecting the right men.
He relied on nobility such as the Stanleys in Lancashire and Cheshire to keep order.
He introduced more lower rank men like Bishop Morton of Ely, William Lord Hastings and William Parr because he could rely on them.
Who did Edward rely on to maintain peace?
Nobility, if they failed he replaced them like William Herbert in South Wales.
Describe the last rebellion Edward experienced
The Kent rebellion of 1471 led by Thomas, Bastard of Fauconberg (Warwick’s cousin).
Describe the last Lancastrian attack Edward experienced
In 1473, the Earl of Oxford captured St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall but surrendered by the end of the year.
What did Edward do to his brother?
He had him drowned in a vat of wine in 1478 for treason.
What did Edward ignore within law and order?
He ignored a lot of corruption in the justice system and had some wrongdoing’s with inheritances e.g. the dukedom of Exeter was passed to the daughter of the Duchess (Edward’s sister) by her 2nd marriage to Thomas St Leger.
Did Edward solve piracy?
He solved piracy because it interfered with his foreign policy.
How much debt did Edward inherit?
Over £350,000
What financial systems did Edward utilise?
The chamber system of finance brought in more money as corruption reduced. The land revenue experiment was developed further with all crown land’s revenues in the Crown’s possession going into the Chamber.
How much did Edward improve custom duties?
Increased them to approx. £35,000 a year.
Describe the Treaty of Picquigny
In 1475, the treaty was formed with France which got him 50,000 gold crowns a year so he could ‘live off of his own’.
What happened in January 1476?
Edward handed Margaret over to France in exchange for £100,000 and her renouncing all claims to English lands and titles.
When was the Treaty of Chateaugiron formed?
September 1472, it saw Brittany commit to an invasion of Gascony or Normandy.
What did Brittany do behind Edward’s back?
They formed an truce with France but still encouraged Edward.
When was the Treaty of London formed?
In July 1474, Burgundy joined England and Brittany against France’s expansion policies.
How much did Edward receive from Parliament and the Church to fund the French campaign?
£100,000 from Parliament and £50,000 from the Church.
What happened when Edward went to attack France?
He arrived in Calais in July of 1475 to find no allies, fortunately, France was keen to form a truce. How serious Edward was is uncertain he was reluctant without allies’ help and it was late in the fighting season.
When was the Treaty of Picquigny formed?
On the 29th of August 1475
What were the terms of the Treaty of Picquigny?
A ten-year truce
A yearly £50,000 pension to Edward
Edward left France for £75,000
No secret alliances
Charles was to marry Elizabeth of York
Merchant tolls to be abolished
Aid each other against rebellions
What happened after Charles of Burgundy’s death?
In 1477, Mary came to the throne, she was married to Maximillian of Austria (heir to the Holy Roman Empire).
What were the terms of the 1480 Burgundian treaty?
Edward would support them if they would pay £50,000 crowns should France stop his pension, however, Edward negotiated secretly with France.
When did Mary of Burgundy die and what were the consequences?
1482,the Treaty of Arras between France and Burgundy promised the infant heiress, Margaret to the French dauphin, which lost Edward his daughter’s marriage and France stopped his pension.
What was Edward’s policy towards Scotland?
They remained on good terms, until Louis stirred up some cross-border raiding, due to a marriage arrangement between Edward’s daughter, Cecily and the Scottish heir, James. In response, Edward began military preparations. Gloucester led a 1482 attack to put the Duke of Albany on the throne.
How successful was Gloucester’s attack on Scotland?
He captured Edinburgh and James III but the Duke of Albany defected so Gloucester retreated capturing Berwick-on-Tweed which added to the north’s security and bordered Scotland.
What were the successes of Edward’s foreign policies?
His dynasty was recognised on the continent.
His reign was characterised by peace and rising prosperity.
The Treaties of London and Picquigny was a success until the Treaty of Arras.
What were the failures of Edward’s foreign policies?
After 1475, he let wealth dictate his policies.
His Scottish-campaign was ill-judged.
He lacked financial means to be involve with 2 campaigns simultaneously.
When did Edward the IV die?
On the 9th of April 1483 aged 40.