Chapter 5 - Communication Flashcards
Communication related to 4 competencies?
Job Mobility
Upward Mobility
Job Level
Define 5 Communication Skills?
Express oneself
Persuade/Influence Others
Share Information
Command Others
Resolve Conflicts
Communication Process
Define 4 Communication Processes?
Create/Maintain Relationships
Understand Group Dynamics
Manage Conflicts
Transmit Cultural Norms
Communication Process
Person that initiates an interaction process to encode and put words into a message?
Communication Process
Person that interprets the context of the message being communicated?
Communication Process
Most important element of communication and contains verbal, nonverbal or written elements?
Communication Process
Reaction given by the receiver that tells the sender that the message was either understood or more clarification is needed?
Communication Process
Anything that interferes with the success of sending or receiving the message?
Communication Process
The type of communication tool used to send a message? Examples include e-mail, text or voice message.
Functions of Communication
Used to cause individuals or groups to adopt new ideas or persuade others?
Functions of Communication
Exchange facts or information with colleagues, supervisors or group members?
Information Sharing
Functions of Communication
Core of communication used in social interactions to express creativity? Comprises largest part of human communication?
Functions of Communication
Used to dictate policy, stop an activity, or give direction to ensure safety?
Functions of Communication
Used to resolve problems, critical to task accomplishment and group growth?
Conflict Resolution
Effective Communication
Senders and receivers are credible and trustworthy and credibility is created by task competence?
Effective Communication Defined
Effective Communication
Shared meanings needed between sender and receiver where biases could impact the communication process
Internal Factors
Effective Communication
Physical environment, timing issues, and noise could influence the effectiveness of this communication?
External Factors
Effective Communication
Confidence in the speaker is increased due to appropriate dress where oral presentation skills are polished and complete?
Increasing Communication Effectiveness
When the message is received as intended?
Increasing Communication Effectiveness - Defined
Increasing Communication Effectiveness
Adjusting the communication pattern to the age, cultural differences, and maturity of the audience?
Speak and Write at Audience Level
Increasing Communication Effectiveness
The function and reason for communication delivered at the audience level that is clear and concise?
Communicate to Share Ideas
Increasing Communication Effectiveness
Important that the message sent is interpreted and perceived by the receiver clearly, and can be the difference between what is being communicated and how it is understood?
Clear Intent vs. Interpretation
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Language and message have little chance of being misunderstood?
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Minimizes misinterpretation of the message?
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Accurate communication?
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Essential for the message to be fully understood?
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Considerate of the receivers needs and enhances communication?
Six C’s of Effective Communication
Communication that is logical with reasoning or rationale?
Improperly encoded message or the choice of the channel? Could lead the receiver to misinterpret the message?
Miscommunication Defined
Important messages should be repeated how many times to ensure it is received by the listeners?
3 Times
Barriers to Communication
Disorganized thoughts, lack of credibility, and uses inappropriate language?
Barrier to Communication - Sender
Barriers to Communication
Poor listening skills, bias, and defensiveness about the sender?
Barriers to Communication - Receiver
Barriers to Communication
Lack of openness to different or opposing views, lack of cohesiveness, and unwilling to talk?
Barriers to Communication - Group
Verbal Language for Effective Communication
Opinions formed based on verbal skills, the ability to articulate, and clarity of the message?
Verbal Language for Effective Communication - Defined
Verbal Language for Effective Communication
Expand vocabulary, use action words to illustrate abstract ideas? Compare and contrast techniques that aid comprehension?
Verbal Language for Effective Communication - Skills
Takes up more hours per day than any other activity and takes work to develop?
Listening Defined
Share feelings, needs, and intentions of others?
Empathetic Listening
Used to understand facts, ideas, and themes the speaker is sharing?
Comprehensive Listening
Used to evaluate ideas and make judgments as they are expressed?
Critical Listening
Stimulates the mind and senses and is done for pleasure?
Appreciative Listening
Three Primary Skill Clusters of Listening
How listeners pay attention to what is being said and how the message is being conveyed?
Attending Skills - Defined
Three Primary Skill Clusters of Listening
Squarely facing the speaker, using an open posture, leaning toward the speaker, keeping direct eye contact while maintaining a relaxed appearance?
Attending Skills - SOLER
Three Primary Skill Clusters of Listening
Nodding the head, using an inviting look of interest while using statements like “I see what you mean” or “tell me more?”
Following Skills
Three Primary Skill Clusters of Listening
Summarizing what is said, and being able to restate issues if needed to ensure the listener comprehends the message?
Reflecting Skills