Chapter 5: Attraction, arousal, and response. Flashcards
Are men intimidated by highly educated women in tinder study?
- 24 fictitious tinder profiles
- multiple cities in Flanders/Belgium
- areas of interest; education level was signalled by filling in the line ‘education’ on the main screen.
- fake education levels from bachelor’s degrees to master’s degrees.
- female’s chose men with higher degrees.
What did evolutionary biologist Robert Trivers (1972) famously propose?
- famously proposed that mate preferences are defined in terms of reproductive capacity: physical attractiveness in females and ability to provide in males.
What is the difference in attraction between male and female in means of rating?
Female - think financial prospects are more important.
Male - think physical attractiveness is more important.
What are the differences between men and women in terms of mating preferences?
- revolve around different evolutionary pressures that men and women face.
- reproductive investments for men are minimal and only require sexual intercourse.
- women investment times are longer involving gestational periods and years of nurturing.
What did the facial morphological cues to interpersonal perceptions of romantic partner quality study? find?
- more attractive for female than male faces.
- for perceptions of masculinity like eyebrow thickness, jawbone prominence, and facial height were relatively more salient than cheekbone prominence and eye size, although facial height was more important for female than male faces, and jawbone prominence was marginally more important for male than female faces.
What are the overall preferences for masculinity in the different initial masculinity levels?
- falls into two separate groups
- this can mean that attractiveness and facial masculinity tend to have a threshold-like correlation, rather than a linear or curvilinear one.
- women show a preference for faces with higher masculinity
Why do women prefer more masculine men?
- because more attractive women are better able to minimize the potential costs of choosing a masculine mate, such as low investment and increased risked of desertion.
What is the Coolidge Effect?
it is explored via animal research; it dictates that male arousal/interest declines via habituation and can be re-ignited by novelty.
What is the Westermarck effect?
- predicts that people tend to avoid mating with all individuals that resemble their other-sex siblings.
- women rated those who resembled their siblings as less attractive
- men however rated those that resemble their siblings or familiar as more attractive.
- perhaps because women have more to lose to engage in such behavior.
What is the correlation between beauty and masks?
- the study found that masked ratings of beauty are higher than of no mask.
- same as showing a photo of a face upside down.
What is sexual dimorphism?
- the differences between males and females of the same species, such as color, shape, size and structure.
- it may be to increase sexual selection so they will be chosen as a mate.
- they compete for mates and females do most of the choosing (aka mate choice).
- this imbalance is what leads to sexual dimorphism.
What was the conclusion on the presenting your best self(ie): the influence of gender on vertical orientation of selfies on tinder (Sedgewick et al, 2017)?
- individuals may intuitively manipulate the vertical camera angle to embody how they want to be perceived by the opposite sex.
- concepts from evolutionary psychology and grounded cognition suggest that this manipulation can provide cues of physical height and impressions of power to the viewer which are qualities found to influence mate-selection. Males would lie to appear taller, and females would lie to appear shorter.
What are the variations in facial masculinity?
- the 5 levels of initial masculinity are indicated, and a sample face is used to demonstrate average femininity and average masculinity.
What was the overall results for preferences for masculinity in different initial masculinity levels?
- complex results suggesting that women prefer a moderate amount of masculinity that strikes a balance between opposing factors.
What is the facial fluctuating asymmetry is not associated with childhood ill-health in a large British cohort study?
- many studies have explored links between FA and current or early-life physical health.
What is the most attractive waist to hip ratio in male and females?
M = 0.9
F = 0.7
What are the results of Grossbard et al. study for perceived norms for thinness and muscularity among college students: what do men and women really want?
- both males and females are a bit off in terms of what the opposite sex finds attractive, and in opposite directions.
- husbands’ satisfaction was linked to wives’ attractiveness… but not vice versa.
- Wives’ changes in satisfaction over time were linked to their own attractiveness.