Chapter 5 and 15 Flashcards
Quality planning
operational planning direct at product and process planning
includes the broad array of activities that collectively create overall quality plan
Quality control
refers to the process employed to meet standards consistently and to hold gains
involves observing actual performance, comparing it with some standard and taking action of the observed performance is different from the standard, and the required change is justifiable
Quality improvement
plays a dominant role in reducing costs of deficiencies, waste and driving out defects - thus achieving improved levels of performance
Big picture (5W2H approach)
Subject: identify and describe the problem
Purpose: identify known explanations which enable the problem
Location: where did the problem occur?
Timing: when did the problem start?
People involved: individuals associated with the problem. Identify complaints of customers
Method: applicable tools, techniques, and tactics
How much?
Cost/impact: quantify the extent of the problem
The big picture
- the need for change
- the vision
- what are we trying to do (our strategy)?
- what are we dealing with (types of problem)?
- how to address the problems?
- how to implement change?
Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
Effectiveness: doing the right things
Efficiency: doing things right
Combination: doing the right things right
Leading performance
Sound strategy x operational excellence = leading performance
Types of quality problems
Sporadic problems
Chronic problems
Future orientated problems
The ‘iPad type’ problem
Breakthrough performance
Performance breakthroughs can be aimed at both sides of quality:
1. Having higher-quality product and service features provides customer satisfaction and revenue for the producing organization. These product features drive revenue.
2. Achieving freedom from failures will reduce customer dissatisfaction and non value-added waste. To the producing organization, reducing the product failures, which reduce costs, is a target for breakthrough.
To attain a breakthrough in current performance requires two “journeys”
- diagnostic journey
- remedial journey
Diagnostic journey
From problem to symptoms of the problem
From symptoms to theories of causes of the symptoms
From theories to testing of the theories
From tests to establishing root causes of the symptoms
Remedial journey
From root causes to design of remedies of the causes
From design of remedies to testing and proving the remedies under operating conditions
From workable remedies to dealing with predictable resistance to change
From dealing with resistance to establishing new controls on the remedies to hold the gains
Juran Universal Sequence for Breakthrough: Six steps
- Nominate and identify problems
- Establish a project and team
- Diagnose the causes
- Remedy the causes
- Hold the gains
- Replicate results and nominate new projects
Six Sigma: Breakthrough to in-Process Effectiveness
- select the problem and launch a project
- define the problem
- measure the magnitude of the symptoms
- analyse information to discover root causes
- improve by providing a remedy for the causes
- control to hold the gains
Total Quality Management
describes a management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction
in a TQM effort, all members of an organisation participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work
Continuous improvement
ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes
these efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or “radical” improvement all at once
aka Lean manufacturing or lean production
a systematic method for waste minimisation within a manufacturing system without sacrificing productivity
involves never ending efforts to eliminate or reduce waste
Six sigma
a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects in any process - from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service
DMAIX improvement cycle is the core tool used to drive six sigma projects
Theory of constraints TOC
a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer the limiting factor
Six sigma approach
Indicator of efficiency and effectiveness of processes
Problem solving method (systematically, data oriented)
Toolbox (process, analysis, statistics)
Process improvement (operative and productive processes)
Customer requirements (not quality improvement at all costs)
Quality initiative (resounding measurable success like increased revenue and lowered costs)
Six sigma - DMAIC method
Define - define the problem and goals
Measure - collect relevant data and key aspects of current processes
Analyse - verify cause-and-effect relationships and examine causes
Improve - optimise current processes and implement solution(s)
Control - control and monitor future state processes
Tools of quality
Pareto chart
Scatter diagram
Control chart
Flow chart
Six Sigma: Breakthrough to in-Process Effectiveness
Select the problem and launch a project
Define the problem
Measure the magnitude of the symptoms
Analyse information to discover the root causes
Improve by providing a remedy for the causes
Control to hold the gains
Select the opportunity: deliverables
List of potential projects
Evaluation of projects
Selected projects
Project problem, goal statements, team charter for each project
Formal project teams
Select the opportunity: Questions to be answered
What customer-related issues confront us?
What costly, quality problems do we have that should be solved?
What are the likely benefits if the problems are solved?
Which of the problems should be tackled first, second etc.?
Define phase: Activities
identify key customers related to the project
determine customer needs wrt to the project in the VOC
translate the VOC into critical to quality (CTQ) requirement statements
Define phase: Deliverables
confirmed project charter
CTQ statements
high-level process flow diagram
Define phase: Questions to be answered
What is the problem in measurable terms?
What is the team’s measurable goal?
What are limits of the project? - the scope
What resources are available? - team members, time, finances
Measure phase: Main activities
Measuring the baseline performance (and problems) and documenting the process
Measure phase: Deliverables
baseline performance metrics (describing outputs Ys)
project flow diagram
cause-and-effect diagram
data collection plan
confirmed or modified project goal
prioritised list of theories of cause based on cause-effect analysis
Measure phase: Questions to be answered
How well is the current process performing wrt the specific outputs (Ys) identified?
What is the capability of the measurement system?
is the process in statistical control?
Does the project goal need to be modified?
What are all the possible root causes of the problem?
Analyse phase
Project team analyses past and current performance data
Hypotheses on possible cause-effect relationships are developed and tested
Analyse phase: Deliverables
histograms, box plots, Pareto analyses - analyse the relationships between response variables Ys and potential causes Xs
results of hypothesis testings
list of vital few process inputs Xs that are proven root causes of the observed problem
Analyse phase: Questions to be answered
what patterns are demonstrated by the current process outputs Ys of interest ?
What are the key determinants of process performance? - the vital few Xs
What process inputs Xs seem to determine each of the outputs Ys?
What are the vital few Xs on which the project team should focus?
Improve phase
project team seeks to quantify the cause-effect relationship so process performance can be predicted, improved, and optimised
Improve phase: Deliverables
plan for designed experiments
reduced list of vital few inputs Xs
designed improvements
implementation plan
plans to deal with cultural resistance
improve phase: questions to be answered
what specific experiments should be conducted to arrive ultimately at the discovery of what the optimal process parameter settings should be?
have improvements been considered and selected that will address each of the vital few input Xs proven during the analyse phase?
has expected cultural resistance to change been evaluated and plans made to overcome it?
has a pilot plan been developed and executed and the solutions appropriately adjusted based on the results?
Control phase
project team designs and documents the necessary controls to ensure that gains from the improvement effort can be sustained once the changes are implemented
Control phase: Deliverables
Updated FMEA, process control plans, standard operating procedures
Production process in statistical control and able to get as close to six sigma levels as is optimally achievable, at a minimum accomplishing the project goals
Updated project documentation, final project reports, and periodic audits to monitor the success and hold the gains
Control phase: Questions to be answered
What should be the plan to ensure the process remains in statistical control and produces defects only at or near six sigma levels?
is our new process capable of meeting the established process performance goal?
what standard procedures should be in place and followed to hold the gains?
The quality improvement process addresses…
chronic quality problems
2 strategic approaches to improvement
- Six sigma sequence
- the breakthrough sequence
Why are the six sigma sequence and the breakthrough sequence STRATEGIC approaches to improvement?
Strategic because the projects selected are based on gaps between actual performance and goals
How are the six sigma sequence and the breakthrough sequence approaches complementary?
The two approaches are complementary in both in both objective and content
Breakthrough steps
- proving the need
- identifying projects
- organising project teams
- verifying the project need and mission
- diagnosing the causes
- providing a remedy and proving its effectiveness
- dealing with resistance to change
- instituting control to hold the gains
Breakthrough levels
new, sustained levels of performance
How is breakthrough achieved?
using steady project-by-project approach
Benefits of six sigma
Improve cycle time, quality, cost
Improve effectiveness and efficiency of approach, including e-commerce
Design products/services that will sell well
Reduce chronic waste/COPQ
Grow profits by improving revenuer and reducing costs
Optimising equipment usage
Experiencing fewer rejects/errors