Chapter 4, 17 and 6 Flashcards
Quality planning
a systematic process for developing new products (goods and services) and processes that ensure customer needs are met
Design for quality and innovation is required to…
Required to achieve breakthrough
Effective design process requires
robust method and structure to create new products and ensure that these together with key operational processes (process controls) are developed prior to introduction of product into the marketplace
Juran’s universal quality by design model: advantage
useful for designing products and redesigning processes simply and economically
Design for six sigma (DFSS) model: advantages
classic model enhanced by addition of computers and statistical software packages
permit utilisation of numerous design tools
Advantage of DFSS model
healthy ROI produced (long-term)
Disadvantages of DFSS model
(short term)
Large quality gaps are the sum of four smaller gaps
Understanding gap
Design gap
Process gap
Operations gap
Perception gap
Understanding gap
Lack of understanding of what customer needs are
Gap is typically there because organisation issues that they know exactly what the customer needs
Perception gap
raises from failure to understand customer needs
Customers react to how they perceive a good/service benefits them
Design gap
failure to design good/services that are consistent with the understanding of customer needs and perceptions
designers lack simple tools that would enable them to combine technical expertise with an understanding of customer needs to create truly superior products
Process gap
process by which product is created/service is delivered is not capable of conforming to the design
Operations gap
means by which process is operated/controlled may create additional failures in delivery of final good/service
Juran Quality by Design Model: steps
1) Establish the project and design goals
2) Identify the customers
3) Discover customer’s needs
4) Develop product/service features
5) Develop process features
6) Develop process controls and transfer to operations
Quality planning - continuous innovation
1) Define the goals and objectives for the new good, service, or process
2) Measure and discover hidden customer needs
3) Analyse the customer needs and determine the innovative features that will meet those needs
4) Design by combining the features, thereby creating new products, services, or processes that incorporate the features
5) Verify that the new innovation meets the customer’s and organisation’s needs
Continuous innovation
Must happen in all areas of an organisation from creating products, services or processes used to meet internal and external needs to designing new facilities or office environments
Design for Six Sigma
A systematic methodology to provide the means to attain new services and innovative designs
1) Discover the customers and their needs
2) Gather and research information, and observe the behaviour of these customers
3) Generate and design solutions to meet their needs
4) Design the solution and validate that the needs are met
5) Transfer the design to operations
Two types of innovation
Type 1
- something completely new
Type 2
- making something that already exists larger/better/faster
- making something that already exists smaller/better
- combining one thing that exists with something else that exists
Quality control process
Choose control subjects
Establish measurements of control subjects
Establish standards of performance
Interpret actual vs. standard
Take action on the difference
People must be provided with
1) Knowledge of what they are supposed to do
2) knowledge of their performance
3) means of regulating their performance if they fail to meet the goals
Quality control subjects should be
aligned and linked with the customer parameters (internal and external customers)
method of instrument that can carry out the evaluation and state the findings in terms of the unit of measure
Measurement in terms of quality control
measurement provides feedback and early warnings of problems
Measurement in terms of quality planning
measurement quantifies customer needs and product and process capabilities
Measurement in terms of quality improvement
measurement can motivate people, prioritise improvement opportunities, and help in diagnosing causes
Measurement in terms of strategic quality management
measurement provides input for setting goals and later supplies the data for performance review