Chapter 5 Acceleration, Using Gears, Braking And Steering Flashcards
When is a vehicle most stable?
A moving vehicle is most stable when its weight is evenly distributed, the engine is just pulling without increasing road speed, and it’s travelling in a straight line.
The patch of tyre in contact with the road on a average car is?
Size of a hand
Explain the use of the accelerator?
Depress the accelerator:
- to increase road speed
- to maintain road speed: for example when cornering or going up hill
Release the accelerator:
- to reduce engine speed and slow the vehicle down.
What benefit is there lowering gear?
Changing to a lower gear reduced the loaf and allows the engine to speed up and move the vehicle faster
What’s a retarder?
Heavy vehicles, including larger emergency vehicles are fitted with retailers. These devices produce additional engine braking to help slow the vehicle
Explain vehicle balance when decelerating?
The rear tyres lose grip, the front tyres gain grip
Explain vehicle balance when accelerating?
The rear tyres gain grip, the front tyres lose grip
Explain best practice for acceleration?
Use accurate and smooth movements to release or depress the accelerator. Remember ease and squeeze
What is acceleration sense?
Acceleration sense is the ability to vary vehicle speed in response to changing road or traffic conditions by accurate us of the accelerator, so that you use the brakes less or not at all.
- uses less fuel
- causes less wear on the tyres
- reduces emissions
Explain acceleration on bends?
Use the accelerator to maintain a constant speed round a bend. A constant speed keeps your weight evenly distributed front and rear, and ensures maximum tyre grip.
How to counter under steering?
Reduce the amount of steering, start to accelerate but do this gently and smoothly so that you maintain tyre grip. As steering reduces, the tyre grip trade off allows more grip for acceleration but be aware of accelerating too early. The appropriate point depends on how far you can see and the conditions on the road surface.
Your vehicle can only increase speed if the engine can deliver the power, and it can only do this effectively if you’re in the correct gear. Aim to:
- be in the correct gear for every road speed and traffic situation
- make all gear changes smoothly
- engage a chose gear without going through an intermediate gear first
- know the approximate maximum road speed for each gear
- know the most efficient point at which to change up
The main effect of the gears is to transform engine revs into useable power. Explain?
- in a low gear, the engine is able to Rev more freely, which allows the vehicle to accelerate rapidly and to climb slopes
- in a higher gear, lower revs deliver more speed but less ability to accelerate or to climb slopes
- intermediate gears allow progress from one extreme to the other
- a lower gear also restrains the vehicles speed when descending a slope.
Explain first gear?
Produces plenty of road wheel turning power but not much speed
Explain intermediate gears?
Produce varying combinations of wheel turning power and speed
Explain top gear?
Produces plenty of speed but not much wheel turning power
Changing to a lower gear, helps when?
- travelling at low speeds
- going up hill
- going downhill, because engine compression slows the descent
- approaching a hazard
- on slippery roads, where you should ease off the accelerator to lose speed gently, so as to avoid skidding
What are high gears good for?
- cruising at speed
- certain slippery conditions where lower gears may cause wheel spin
Should you change gear whilst cornering?
No- it destabilises the vehicle and required you to take one hand off the steering wheel.
Explain engine braking?
When you release the accelerator, the engine slows and through engine compression exerts a slowing force on the wheels. This causes the engine to act as a brake, reducing the road speed smoothly and gradually with little wear to the vehicle.
What is normal braking (tapered braking)?
Braking should normally be progressive and increased steadily.
What is the safe stopping distance rule?
Always drive so that you can stop safely within the distance you can see to be clear on your own side of the road
What is the stopping distance formula?
Thinking distance + braking distance = stopping distance
What is thinking distance?
Thinking distance is the distance travelled in the time between first observing the need for action and acting. This is why attitude, observation, anticipation and information processing abilities are vital.