Chapter 5/6 Flashcards
participants answer questions
while their physiological responses are measured by what they believe to be an effective lie-detector
bogus pipeline research
Whites’ acceptance as the absolute truth of the belief that Whites were inherently superior to other races
jim-crow racism
a set of beliefs about Black people as an abstract group (they… you people…) rather than as specific individuals
symbolic prejudice
belief in the biological inferiority of Black people and the attendant stereotypes of low intelligence, laziness, and so forth
old-fashioned prejudice
the principle that everyone should have an equal, fair chance at success in life and that one function of government is ensuring such equality
equality of opportunity
the belief that government should ensure that everyone, regardless of their personal resources, should receive an equal, or at least a reasonable, share of society’s resources
equality of outcome
a person who “tries to ignore the existence of black people, tries to avoid contact with them, and at
most to be polite, correct, and cold in whatever dealings are necessary between the races”
aversive prejudice
a behavior toward
the stigmatized person that is more extreme than behavior toward a nonstigmatized but similar person
in the same type of situation
response amplification
many White Americans have developed genuinely positive attitudes toward Black people that exist along with the lingering negative attitudes.
ambivalent prejudice
emphasizing personal responsibility,
hard work as the means to success, self-reliance, and trying to improve one’s lot in life
the traditional form of prejudice expressed as negative beliefs about and negative emotional responses to outgroups
hostile prejudice
Apparently positive beliefs and emotional responses to outgroups that can have negative consequences for those groups
benevolent prejudice
the beliefs that all people
should be treated equally and that people have a responsibility to help others who are disadvantaged
proposes that prejudice begins with the perception that members of minority groups have characteristics that are contrary to majority-group values
attribution-value model
people who believe that those who have power in a society know what is best for the society, so people should simply do what their government tells them to do
authoritarian personality
an other-oriented emotional response congruent with another’s perceived welfare
people with an _______ religious orientation use religion as a way to achieve nonreligious goals
extrinsic religious orientation
the attempt by members of one social or cultural group to exterminate the members of another group
not associated with a social group, but rather comes from the context in which an intergroup interaction takes place
incidental emotions
aroused when people think about or interact with members of social groups including one’s ingroups
integral emotions
sets of attitudes and beliefs that people high in SDO can use to justify their dominant position in society
legitimizing myths
the feelings of discomfort many people experience when interacting with, or anticipating an interaction with, members of other groups
intergroup anxiety
people with an _______ religious orientation truly believe in their religion’s teachings and try to live their lives according to them
intrinsic religious orientation
awareness of the inevitability of one’s death
mortality salience
religions proscribe (that is, forbid) some forms of prejudice, such as racism, they may at the same time permit prejudice against people, such as lesbians and gay men, who are perceived to violate the religion’s values
permitted vs. proscribed prejudices
reflects a view of religiosity as a search for answers to questions about the meaning of life
quest religious orientation
the belief that there is one set of religious teachings that clearly contain the fundamental, basic, intrinsic, essential, inerrant truth about humanity and deity
religious fundamentalism
defined in terms of three clusters of attitudes:
-authoritarian submission
-general aggressiveness
right-wing authoritarianism
the extent to which one desires that
one’s in-group dominate and be superior to out-groups
social dominance orientation
sets of attitudes and beliefs that predispose people to view the world in certain ways and to respond to events in ways consistent with those viewpoints
social ideology
people’s build belief and value systems based on the fear of death which results in prejudice
terror management theory
the ______ classifies group stereotypes along two broad dimensions. The
first dimension is warmth; groups can be stereotyped as warm and friendly or as cold and unfriendly. The second dimension is competence; groups can be stereotyped as competent and successful
in dealing with the world or as incompetent and unsuccessful
stereotype content model
holds that prejudice is, in part, based on the perception that outgroups’ value systems differ from one’s own
value difference hypothesis