Chapter 5 Flashcards
Know the difference between “sex” and “gender”
sex is biological, gender is social (stereotypes, norms and roles society designated as female or male)
Know what research indicates on differences between males and females (aggression, sexuality, etc)
aggression - males tend to be more aggressive
sexuality - men tend to be more forward sexually and think about it more
connectedness vs independence - men tend to be more independent, while women tend to look towards their social connections
social dominance - more men in leadership positions
Know to what extent there are gender similarities vs. gender differences
there are mostly similarities - the major differences are that men have a Y chromosome and most have a penis while women do not
in terms of physical differences (body, size, height), there is 92% overlap, and in psychological differences there is 98% overlap
Be able to distinguish between the cultural perspective and the evolutionary perspective in terms of explaining gender differences
gender differences are mostly from cultural things
Know the hindsight criticism of evolutionary psychology
not done